
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 134-154 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 147 Figure 13 (a) Net (shrimp fishing gear), and shrimp (b) before and (c) after treatment Mangrove crabs: The places of crab production in our study areas are concentrated in the mangrove areas located mainly in the villages of Antafiamivony, Ambanifony and Ambavarano. The presence of these mangrove forests in these villages indicates the importance of fishing area and the abundance of the Scylla serrata species in these areas (Figure 14). The main fishing technique adopted by fishermen in these areas is shore fishing carried out during low water using the fishing technique (magnilo). The latter consists of searching for crabs feeding on the mud, between the roots of mangrove trees using a harpoon. Figure 14Scylla serrata (a) muddy and (b) cleaned crabs Lobsters: Langoustine fishing is even less exploited in our study area due to the insufficiency of collectors. While these products could bring great growth to the areas (Figure 15). This fishing is practiced only by men whose equipment used during the diving fishing operation as nets, landing nets, mask, fins, tuba and gloves (Figure 10).