
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 134-154 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 145 3.3.5 Fishing on foot This fishing technique also exists in the study areas. It is practiced during periods of low water at the time of spring tide. During this time, the majority of women and children and also men set out with harpoons (a weapon made up of a point fitted with hooks) in search of octopuses and with landing nets in search of shrimp. In addition to the fishing technique, the data collection and investigation strategy are described in the following subsection. 3.4 Collection of data in the field and investigation strategy This section describes all the techniques that can be used when collecting data in the study area. These include surveys, surveys, direct observation and monitoring of fishing catches and compliance with ministerial regulations relating to fishing. The data collection lasts two years starting from 2018 until 2019 in order to know the progress in the modes of exploitation of fishery resources within the Loky-Manambato MPA. However, it is noted that the data for the year 2019 is the data from January to July 2019. Before carrying out the field trip, an authorization request was sent to the Mayor of the Rural municipality of Ampisikinana, given that he is the first person responsible at the local administrative level. It was carried out via a courtesy visit which also made it possible to explain the objective of the study. During this meeting at the Town Hall, two officials were interviewed with the aim of knowing their ideas on the state of current fishing resources and especially the actions already carried out or still envisaged by the Municipality on the rational management of aquatic resources. In addition, to find out the current fishing situations in the study area, surveys were carried out with the Head of the Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Service SAVA; of the president of the fishermen's association, the Komity Miarony Tontoloiainana (KTM) leader of FKT Antsampilay within Loky-Manambato MPA and the leader Fokontany Antsampilay. Fishermen and collectors were also surveyed to find out the types of marine resources exploited, the different types of gear and capture methods used as well as the problems linked to the mode of exploitation of aquatic resources. This survey is accompanied by the socio.economic survey which was financed by the Time+Tide Miavana Foundation, located in Nosy Ankao. It aims to answer clear questions. It is indeed necessary to ensure that the language is adapted to that of the respondent because the formulation of questions is a crucial stage of the investigation (Lugen, 2015). For this, simple and unambiguous vocabularies were used to facilitate understanding. In addition, when urgent data were needed, certain questionnaires were sometimes administered by telephone, obtaining quick and short responses. This technique avoids surprise and reduces the negative reaction itself. In other words, the questionnaire survey is an instrument for gathering information based on the analysis of responses to a series of questions asked. The developed technique has advantages in term of the expected information as discussed in the next section. 4 Discussion on the Results The results of methods previously deployed for data collection and analysis are explained in this section. 4.1 Types of exploited marine resources 4.1.1 Echinoderms: Sea cucumber Previously, sea cucumber fishing was practiced in all parts of the fishing zone of our study site. It was carried out during the period when the wind is calm in order to facilitate diving. These types of fishing are practiced mainly by men who have been able to dive with equipment (Table 2). From the point of view of echinoderms, only the group of sea cucumbers are exploited in the Loky-Manambato MPA. 4.1.2 Cephalopods Fishing for cephalopods, particularly octopus, is carried out in all parts of the FKT Antsampilay fishing zone by traditional fishermen on foot during periods of low water at the time of spring tide. It is practiced mainly by women, men and children with the harpoon (weapon consisting of a spear whose tip is fitted with hooks) as fishing equipment whose species targets Octopus cyanea(Figure 12).