
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 134-154 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 143 products; A speedboat which is used to move from one village to another village where fishermen live; Specific software called QGIS 3.4 and Google Earth which are used to clearly specify the location of these study areas, and XLSTAT software was used to process the statistical data. Figure 10 Material used as fishing gear Image Caption: Gill net: (a) 25 mm mesh size and (b) specific gill net forg. naso. (c) Fishhook. Monoxyl canoe (d) without balance and (e) with outrigger. Diver materials: (f) rifles, (g) masks and snorkels, and (h) fins For further understanding on the use of materials, different types of fishery capture methods are addressed in the next subsection. 3.3 Different types of gear as well as capture methods The fishing technique is a very varied activity. The very young beginner fisherman must know the equipment, accessories and methods used, develop his know-how and learn some techniques and tactics to capture fishery resources. The possibilities are so vast and varied depending on the villages where the species are found. Indeed, certain villages like Nosy Ambanifilao and Nosy Ankao are impossible to fish for crabs due to the lack of mangroves. On the other hand, for the other villages, the abundance of mangrove forests indicates that it is possible to fish for all qualities of fishery products found in this FKT, including crustaceans, gastropods, and cephalopods as well as fish, etc. 3.3.1 Angling It is an active fishing method for catching fish species and squid. This technique consists of letting the line go down with the hook (metal hook that is put at the end of a line for fishing fish) towards the bottom of the sea. The hook used by fishermen is no. 20 minimum and on this the bait is hung or not. As soon as the fish or squid are caught by the trap, they are quickly brought to the surface. 3.3.2 “Magnera” The fishing technique called “magnera” is one of the most used fishing methods in all the fishing zones of FKT Antsampilay. Mostly, it is practiced with gillnets greater than 25 mm mesh size (3 fingers) and 1,000 m long at least with 0.5 m height. This fishing technique is generally practiced during neap water. And the nets are placed around 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. during the ebb or ebb and will be brought back around 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. at the time of low water. The target fish are there (Table 1).