
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 134-154 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 135 To face up the natural marine biodiversity degradation (Davis et al., 2022), national directives on the fishing data were promulgated by different countries as Madagascar (MAEP, 2003; National Assembly, 2015; MPRH, 2021). According to scientific surveys (MPRH, 2012; Chauveau, 2024), the Malagasy marine resources are faced with overexploitation. Subsequently, the environmental condition deterioration leads to a reduction in fishery products and the scarcity of certain species. Thus, withdrawals from resources have exceeded the capacity to renew stocks which is synonymous with overexploitation caused by demographic pressure on coastal zones, insufficient resources for coastal surveillance, and the evolution of climate change (Climate Data, 2021). Hence, to react against the Madagascar report threatening as published by World Bank (Mosse and Sontheimer, 2010), the interest in using certain types of fishery resource management justifying the necessity of protected areas (MAEP, 2003; MPRH, 2012; National Assembly, 2015; Chauveau, 2024). By aiming to study the fishing activity protection objective of Madagascar northeastern coast, the present research work focuses on the fishery resources of villages belonging to the Loky-Manambato marine protected area (MPA) (FAPBM, 2014). Despite the Madagascar development objectives (MAEP, 2003; MPRH, 2012; National Assembly, 2015) on fishing method, further scientific study on marine science is necessary to overcome problems relating to the difficulty of respecting the mandatory regulations and the overexploitation of fishery resources. The rational exploitation of fishery resources is investigated by considering qualitative research inquiry (Hartas, 2015; Lugen, 2015) by ensuring an increase in catch yields of fishermen in the Loky-Manambato MPA. With this in mind, the specific objectives consist of: Know the different types of used fishing products and to face up to the insufficiencies data necessary must be acted effectively; Understand the different types of gear and the capture methods used by considering qualitative inquiry approach (Hartas, 2015; Lugen, 2015); Know the problems related to the way aquatic resources are exploited; Determine the current state of resources in order to elaborate the relevant measure enabling to reduce the quality and quantity of fishing products, and development of efficient idea of the existing type of management in order to put forward recommendations for its improvement. Doing this, the present paper is structured into five main sections as follows: The fishing zones under study are described in Section 2; Section 3 focuses on the exploration of the fishing zone environmental parameters; Section 4 investigates on the research methodology and the introduction on the employed materials in the Loky-Manambato MPA considered zone areas; The fishing activity results are discussed in Section 5; and Section 6 is the conclusion. 1 Description of Study Zone Area The geographic situation of the study zone area of Loky-Manambato MPA and especially the fishing zones in the villages is described in the present section. 1.1 Geopolitic description of the considered zones under study Ampisikinana is being one of the 19 municipalities of the Vohemar district and it is among one of four limited rural municipalities of the Loky-Manambato MPA. The fishing zones of the villages under study are located in the Madagascar northeastern coast of the SAVA region. The considered areas of the villages are particularly situated in the marine coastal part of Fokontany Antsampilay. All the villages are located in the rural municipality of Ampisikinana and the district of Vohemar is no exception to this situation. This municipality moves 70 km to the northwest from the Vohemar town whose geographical coordinates are 49°48 ’17”E and 12°56’57”S. It should also be noted that several Fokontany exist in this Municipality and fishing is the main activity of the population of the “Antsampilay” fokontany. This is also the criterion for the choice of this fokontany for the study of the management of fishery resources. This fokontany is located approximately 5 km north of Ampisikinana and includes several islets including Nosy Satrana, Nosy Ankao, Nosy Manampaho, Nosy Ratsy and Nosy Manambiby. Thus, the reef flats of these islands are characterized by the abundance of resources. During this study, we chose six villages in the Fokontany of Antsampilay as study sites (Figure 1).