
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 120-129 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 127 biodiversity but also provide breakwaters, protecting coastal communities from storms. Therefore, marine protection strategies need to comprehensively consider the value of ecosystem services and guide policy formulation and resource management through scientific research and socioeconomic analysis. Public participation and environmental education play a key role in promoting sustainable management of marine ecosystems. By raising public awareness of the importance of marine protection and enhancing their understanding of marine issues, social support for protecting marine resources can be stimulated. Environmental education not only targets schools and students, but also includes popular public education, aiming to improve everyone's understanding of the impact of their actions on the environment and promote the formation of environmentally friendly behaviors. Active public participation can not only promote environmental protection policies and actions, but also promote community-based sustainable utilization models of marine resources based on protection, such as community-managed fisheries and eco-tourism. 4.3 Future research directions and technology development As the environmental problems facing the world become increasingly severe, especially the increasing pressure on marine ecosystems, future research directions and technological development are particularly important in the field of marine biology. Emerging science and technology, such as genetic editing, remote sensing monitoring, big data analysis and artificial intelligence, provide unprecedented opportunities for the study of marine biology and the management of marine ecosystems. These technologies can help scientists gain a deeper understanding of the adaptation mechanisms of marine organisms, ecosystem functions and services, and the impact of human activities on the marine environment, thereby providing scientific basis for the sustainable use and protection of marine resources. However, the application of these technologies also brings new scientific and management challenges. On the one hand, the use of advanced technologies requires corresponding technical support and professional knowledge, which is a big challenge for countries and regions with limited resources. On the other hand, technology is developing rapidly. How to effectively integrate and utilize these technologies to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data is also a problem that needs to be solved. Faced with these challenges, the transition to sustainable ocean management has become an inevitable trend in the future. Chen and Yen (2023) discussed the contribution of remote sensing technology in fisheries management and marine ecosystem protection, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation in the realization of sustainable development goals. El Mahrad et al. (2020) discussed the contribution of remote sensing technology to an integrated coastal and marine environmental management framework, emphasizing the importance of data accessibility and integration for ecosystem management. We should not only pay attention to the development and application of technology, but also strengthen interdisciplinary and cross-field cooperation and promote the integration between scientific research, technology development and management practice. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen international cooperation, share data and resources, and jointly respond to global marine environmental problems. 5 Summary and Outlook In the face of climate change, research in marine biology reveals our deep understanding of the impacts on marine ecosystems, while also pointing out the direction for future research and management. Key findings in marine biology highlight the widespread impacts of climate change on marine life distribution, ecosystem services, and biodiversity. These studies confirm the negative impacts of rising ocean temperatures, acidification and sea level rise on multiple aspects including coral reefs, plankton and deep-sea ecosystems. At the same time, scientists are working to understand how organisms respond to these changes through genetic and behavioral adaptations, and what these adaptation mechanisms mean for the future survival of the species. However, research in this area still faces many limitations, especially in predicting the long-term impacts of climate change, ecosystem response complexity, and biological adaptability. Data acquisition is often limited by technical and methodological limitations, and the dynamics and complexity of the marine environment make