
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 111-119 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 116 In addition, some deep-sea microorganisms are able to convert inorganic nitrogen into organic nitrogen and participate in the nitrogen fixation process, which reveals their role in the global nitrogen and sulfur cycles, further proving the importance of deep-sea ecosystems in the biogeochemical cycles of the Earth. 3.3 The impact of the discovery of new species on deep-sea environmental protection policies With a better understanding of new deep-sea species and their ecological roles, the public and policymakers have become significantly more aware of deep-sea conservation. The distribution and ecological characteristics of deep-sea organisms provide a scientific basis for assessing the potential impacts of human activities, especially deep-sea mining, bottom trawl fisheries, and deep-sea energy development, on the deep-sea environment. For example, deep-sea mining may destroy precious ecosystems and lead to the loss of newly discovered species and their habitats (Liu et al., 2022). Therefore, it is particularly important to formulate and implement targeted management policies and conservation measures based on in-depth scientific research and understanding to ensure the integrity and long-term survival of these unique ecosystems. The discovery of new species in the deep sea also reveals potential economic value, including the possibility of developing new drugs, biological materials, etc. Many deep-sea organisms possess unique bioactive substances due to their adaptation to extreme environments, which provides new resources for the fields of medicine and technology. However, this also brings sustainability challenges, how to utilize these precious resources while protecting deep-sea biodiversity and preventing over-exploitation and destruction. Therefore, this requires the international community to cooperate to guide policy formulation through scientific research and implement ecosystem-based management methods to achieve sustainable use of deep sea resources. Limit negative impacts on the deep-sea environment through the development of effective international regulations and agreements. 4 Challenges and Development Prospects 4.1 Technological innovation and financial support With the rapid development of science and technology, deep-sea exploration technology has made significant progress in the past few decades, from early reliance on manned submersibles for deep-sea exploration to modern and widely used remotely operated unmanned vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). Advances in these technologies have greatly broadened humanity's ability to explore the deep sea, enabling long -term, large-scale observations and data collection into previously unreachable ocean depths. However, the extreme conditions of the deep-sea environment, such as high pressure, low temperature, strong corrosiveness and complete darkness, place higher requirements on exploration equipment and also increase the cost of research. In order to overcome these technical and financial obstacles, future technological innovation needs to make breakthroughs in materials science, remote sensing and telemetry technology (Wu et al., 2020), and energy technology. The development of new pressure-resistant materials, technological advances in real-time high-speed data transmission, and more efficient energy systems are all key to furthering the development of deep-sea exploration. At the same time, the role of financial support from the international community and the private sector in promoting deep-sea research cannot be ignored. Through the public-private partnership model, cooperation projects between governments and enterprises, and funding from international multilateral institutions, resources can be effectively pooled to promote the research, development and application of deep-sea exploration technologies. In particular, encouraging the private sector to participate in deep-sea resource development while investing in scientific research will not only bring about technological innovation, but also provide new sources of funding for deep-sea exploration. 4.2 Environmental protection and sustainable management With the development of deep-sea exploration technology and the increasing utilization of deep-sea resources , environmental protection and sustainable management have become the focus of scientists and policymakers. The