
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 102-110 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 108 4.2 Global efforts to mitigate climate change Global efforts to mitigate climate change are a comprehensive action plan involving multi-country cooperation and cross-sector coordination, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit the increase in global average temperatures to avoid the most serious impacts of climate change. These efforts revolve around the three core directions of emission reduction, adaptation and international cooperation, including but not limited to formulating and implementing international agreements, promoting the development of clean energy technologies, implementing carbon pricing mechanisms and strengthening climate adaptation capabilities. International agreements and commitments are the cornerstone of global efforts to mitigate climate change. The United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law, its Kyoto Protocol and The Paris Agreement are the main platforms and tools for the international community to address climate change. In particular, the Paris Agreement aims to control the global average temperature increase well below 2 °C and strive to limit it to 1.5 °C. Each country formulates nationally determined contributions (NDCs) based on its own national conditions and promises to increase emissions reduction efforts (Jiang and Liu, 2023). Promoting the development of clean energy and low-carbon technologies is key to slowing the rise in temperatures. This includes the widespread use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower and geothermal energy, as well as improving energy efficiency, developing electric vehicles and green buildings. Many countries and regions have made significant progress in this regard, with the cost of renewable energy falling, making it an increasingly affordable option. Implementing carbon pricing mechanisms, such as carbon taxes and carbon trading markets, is an effective economic means to incentivize emission reductions. By pricing carbon emissions, businesses and individuals can be encouraged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and invest in clean energy and low-carbon technologies. There are multiple carbon trading systems in operation around the world, which have promoted the effective reduction of carbon emissions. Strengthening climate resilience is also part of the global effort. This means improving the resilience and adaptability of social, economic and ecological systems to the impacts of climate change, including improving water management, establishing more flexible agricultural systems, protecting and restoring ecosystems, and strengthening disaster risk management. Global efforts to mitigate climate change require close cooperation among countries, the firm determination of policymakers, the innovative spirit of enterprises and broad public participation. Despite the many challenges, through joint efforts, the global community is expected to transition to a low-carbon, sustainable future and mitigate the effects of climate change. 4.3 Adaptive management and future planning Adaptive management and future planning are key strategies to combat sea level rise and its long-term impacts on marine ecosystems. This methodology focuses on flexibility and learning to better understand and respond to the uncertainties and risks posed by climate change. Adaptive management emphasizes the adoption of dynamic and iterative methods in management practice, and continuously adjusts management strategies based on new data and information. This approach allows decision-makers to respond to changes in a systematic way, ensuring that management measures can adapt to environmental changes and new scientific understanding through real-time monitoring, evaluation and feedback mechanisms. For example, in coastal protection projects, adaptive management may involve regularly evaluating the effectiveness of breakwaters and tidal gates and adjusting design and operations based on actual sea level rise (Palme et al., 2024). Future planning involves taking a forward-thinking and long-term perspective and developing future-oriented strategies to mitigate risks and capitalize on possible opportunities. This includes the use of climate models and