
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 102-110 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 107 also include a series of chain reactions caused by it, such as the salinization of freshwater resources, the loss of ecosystem services, and the upheaval of socioeconomic structures. These impacts together constitute a comprehensive threat to coastal infrastructure and residential areas, and effective measures are urgently needed to deal with them. Increased flood risks caused by rising sea levels and an increase in extreme weather events directly threaten the safety of coastal infrastructure. Transportation networks, water and drainage systems, power supply and communication infrastructure may all be damaged by flooding, affecting their normal operations. Especially for some low-lying coastal cities and small island countries, the long-term flood threat brought by rising sea levels poses a fundamental challenge to their survival and development. Coastal erosion poses a long-term physical threat to residential areas and infrastructure. As the coastline recedes, residential areas and infrastructure that were originally located in safe areas are gradually exposed to the direct impact of wind waves and erosion. The loss of land and houses causes residents to have to relocate, and communities face the risk of falling apart (Abu et al., 2024). Saltwater intrusion is also a serious problem, especially for coastal areas that rely on groundwater freshwater resources. As sea levels rise, seawater pushes inland, causing salinization of underground freshwater layers, affecting the quality of drinking water and agricultural irrigation, thus posing a threat to residents' quality of life and regional food security. 4 Strategies and Measures to Deal with Sea Level Rise 4.1 Coastal protection and restoration measures Coastal protection and restoration measures are a series of strategies and activities that address issues such as coastal erosion, sea level rise and extreme climate events, aiming to protect and restore the natural environment and socio-economic activities in coastal areas. These measures not only help mitigate the effects of natural disasters but also enhance the health and biodiversity of coastal ecosystems, providing long-term ecological, social and economic well-being for local communities. Hard protective measures, such as seawalls, breakwaters and cofferdams, are traditional methods of coastal protection. These structures protect coastal areas from erosion and flooding by physically isolating them from the direct impact of seawater and waves. However, hard protection measures are often costly and can have negative impacts on marine ecosystems, such as blocking the natural flow of sediment and migratory pathways of marine life. Soft protective measures and ecological engineering methods have received increasing attention in recent years. These methods include beach nourishment, artificial dune construction, mangrove and wetland restoration, etc., aiming to reduce coastal erosion and enhance biodiversity by restoring and enhancing the natural protective functions of coastal ecosystems. For example, mangroves not only effectively mitigate the impact of storm surges, but also provide rich biological habitats and promote carbon sequestration. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is an interdisciplinary and multi departmental collaborative approach that achieves the goal of sustainable development in coastal areas by considering natural, social, economic, and cultural factors in a coordinated manner. ICZM emphasizes the development of science based management plans, covering various aspects from land use planning, resource management, risk mitigation, and community participation (Chen et al., 2023b). Coastal protection and restoration measures need to comprehensively consider environmental, technical, economic and social factors and adopt diversified strategies and methods. Through scientific planning and rational management, we can not only effectively respond to the challenges posed by coastal erosion and sea level rise, but also ensure the health of coastal ecosystems and the long-term well-being of communities.