
International Journal of Marine Science 2024, Vol.14, No.2 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms ©2024 AquaPublisher, an online publishing platform of Sophia Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved.Sophia Publishing Group (SPG), founded in British Columbia of Canada, is a multilingual publisher.

International Journal of Marine Science 2024, Vol.14, No.2 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms ©2024 AquaPublisher, an online publishing platform of Sophia Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved.Sophia Publishing Group (SPG), founded in British Columbia of Canada, is a multilingual publisher. Publisher Aqua Publisher Editedby Editorial Team of International Journal of Marine Science Email: edit@ijms.aquapublisher.com Website: http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms Address: 11388 Stevenston Hwy, PO Box 96016, Richmond, V7A 5J5, British Columbia Canada International Journal of Marine Science (ISSN 1927-6648) is an open access, peer reviewed journal published online by AquaPublisher. The journal publishes all the latest and outstanding research articles, letters and reviews in all areas of marine science, the range of topics containing the advancement of scientific and engineering knowledge regarding the sea; from chemical and physical to biological oceanography, from estuaries and coastal waters to the open ocean; as well as including fisheries, socio-economic science, co-management, ecosystems and other topical advisory subjects. Aqua Publisher, is an international open access publishing platform that publishes scientific journals in the field of marine science and aquaculture. Sophia Publishing Group (SPG), founded in British Columbia of Canada, is a multilingual publisher. All the articles published in International Journal of Marine Science are Open Access, and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. AquaPublisher uses CrossCheck service to identify academic plagiarism through the world’s leading plagiarism prevention tool, iParadigms, and to protect the original authors' copyrights.

International Journal of Marine Science (online), 2024, Vol. 14 ISSN 1927-6648 http://aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms ©2024 AquaPublisher, an online publishing platform of Sophia Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved.Sophia Publishing Group (SPG), founded in British Columbia of Canada, is a multilingual publisher. 2024, Vol. 14, No.2 【Editorial】 Addressing Marine Heatwaves—Our Urgent Environmental Challenge 155 DOI: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0017 【Scientific Commentary】 Land-Sea Asynchrony: Revealing the Temporal Discrepancy in Terrestrial and Marine Extinctions at the End of the Permian 130-133 Sarah McGrew DOI: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0016 【Research Article】 Physiological Response of Marine Organisms to Nuclear Pollution 66-73 Chenhao Cai DOI: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0009 Climate Change, Ocean Pollution, and Acidification: The Application of Integrated Management Strategies within the Framework of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science 83-93 Chujia Yuan DOI: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0011 Rational Exploration of Northeastern Madagascar Halieutic Resource 134-154 Henri Joël Jao DOI: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0017 【Research Report】 Pharmacological Effects and Biological Activity Evaluation of Marine Bioactive Substances 94-101 Qiong Cheng DOI: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0012 Rising Tides: Long term Impact of Sea Level Rise on Marine Ecosystems 102-110 YueZhou DOI: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0013 【Review and Progress】 The Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on the Decline of Fishery Resources 74-82 HengHan DOI: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0010

International Journal of Marine Science (online), 2024, Vol. 14 ISSN 1927-6648 http://aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms ©2024 AquaPublisher, an online publishing platform of Sophia Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved.Sophia Publishing Group (SPG), founded in British Columbia of Canada, is a multilingual publisher. Deep Sea Unknown: A Review and Outlook on the Discovery of New Marine Species in the Early 21st Century 111-119 QiongChen DOI: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0014 Marine Biology under Climate Change: Challenges, Adaptations, and Future Directions 120-129 Yi Zhou, Rudi Mai DOI: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0015

International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-73 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 66 Research Article Open Access Physiological Response of Marine Organisms to Nuclear Pollution Chenhao Cai , Leibiao Zhang Zhuji Hongkang Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Zhuji, 311800, Zhejiang, China Corresponding author: 1300560419@qq.com International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, doi: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0009 Received: 19 Feb., 2024 Accepted: 29 Mar., 2024 Published: 18 Apr., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Cai and Zhang, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Cai C.H., and Zhang L.B., 2024, Physiological response of marine organisms to nuclear pollution, International Journal of Marine Science, 14(2): 66-73 (doi: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0009) Abstract Nuclear pollution refers to the presence of radioactive isotopes in the environment, usually caused by nuclear facility accidents, nuclear weapon testing, nuclear waste disposal, medical radiation therapy, and other nuclear activities. Nuclear pollution has always been an important concern in the global environmental field due to its potential harm to ecosystems and human health. The development of nuclear energy is still relatively common in some countries, which means that the safety management of nuclear energy facilities and nuclear waste disposal have become crucial. In order to prevent nuclear pollution, relevant personnel need to ensure the proper handling and storage of nuclear waste, and interdisciplinary researchers need to detect and study nuclear pollution globally to understand the spread and impact of nuclear pollution. This review delves into the physiological response of marine organisms to nuclear pollution, aiming to reveal the impact of nuclear pollution on marine ecosystems and the importance of ecology and environmental protection. The author also examined the sources and types of nuclear pollution, including natural nuclear radiation and anthropogenic nuclear pollution, as well as the types and release sources of different radioactive substances. While analyzing the distribution and transmission mechanism of nuclear pollution in the ocean, the focus is on the physiological response mechanism of marine organisms to nuclear pollution, including the regulation of DNA and cell damage, gene expression and protein synthesis caused by nuclear pollution, as well as the impact of nuclear pollution on the adaptation and resistance mechanisms of organisms. A deeper understanding of these physiological response mechanisms can help researchers better understand the long-term effects of nuclear pollution on organisms. Keywords Nuclear pollution; Marine life; Reaction mechanism; Ecological impact; Physiological response Marine organisms are one of the oldest and most diverse forms of life on Earth, forming complex and sophisticated ecosystems in the vast marine environment. However, with the development of human society, nuclear pollution has emerged as a severe global environmental issue, impacting not only terrestrial ecosystems but also posing a profound threat to the health of marine ecosystems. Nuclear pollution primarily refers to the environmental damage caused by the residues of nuclear substances, including pollution caused by nuclear radiation, atomic dust, and secondary pollution resulting from the impact of these substances on the environment, such as harm to humans and animals from water sources contaminated with nuclear substances. The issues of nuclear pollution stem from various factors, including the development of nuclear energy, nuclear weapons testing, nuclear accidents, and the disposal of nuclear waste, all of which contribute to the release and accumulation of radioactive substances in the marine environment. Consequently, marine ecosystems are exposed to the threats posed by various radioactive isotopes, including radioactive iodine, strontium, plutonium, etc. (Fereshteh et al., 2021), which can elicit a wide range of physiological responses in marine organisms. The physiological responses of marine organisms to nuclear pollution constitute a complex research field, involving various levels such as biochemical processes, gene expression regulation, metabolism, and adaptive mechanisms within organisms (Cui, 2018). The significant impact of nuclear pollution on marine ecosystems has led to numerous environmental problems, with the most severe being genetic damage to marine organisms. Radiation can alter the genetic material of marine organisms, leading to genetic mutations and other harmful effects. These mutations can be passed down through generations, resulting in long-term genetic damage to marine populations.

International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-73 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 67 Therefore, the purpose of this study is to delve into how marine organisms generate physiological responses when faced with nuclear pollution and how these physiological responses affect the structure and function of marine ecosystems. In addition, the study discusses the sources and types of nuclear pollution, the basic structure of marine ecosystems, and the physiological response mechanisms of marine organisms as crucial components of ecosystems. Attention is also given to factors influencing the ecological effects of nuclear pollution, including the properties and concentration of radioactive substances, pollution sources and emission pathways, as well as ecosystem factors. This research aims to raise awareness of the issue of nuclear pollution, promote further research and collaboration, and ensure that marine ecosystems can continue to provide essential ecological services for humanity while preserving the beautiful and diverse world of marine organisms for future generations. 1 Sources and Types of Nuclear Pollution Nuclear pollution originates from two main channels: natural nuclear radiation and anthropogenic nuclear pollution. Natural nuclear radiation is is a type of nuclear radiation commonly present on Earth and includes radiation from radioactive isotopes in the Earth's crust, such as radioactive potassium and radioactive carbon. On the other hand, anthropogenic nuclear pollution stems from human activities, including nuclear energy development, nuclear weapons testing, nuclear accidents, and nuclear waste disposal. Nuclear pollution encompasses various types, involving different radioactive isotopes and isotopes. Uranium, plutonium, strontium, iodine, and radon are major representatives of nuclides in nuclear pollution, each possessing distinct chemical properties and radioactive characteristics. Consequently, marine organisms exhibit diverse physiological responses to these nuclides, and the control and protection of marine ecosystems from nuclear pollution require a comprehensive consideration of these sources and types of nuclides. 1.1 Natural nuclear radiation and anthropogenic nuclear pollution Natural nuclear radiation and anthropogenic nuclear pollution represent the two primary sources of nuclear pollution, playing crucial roles in its formation and impact. Natural nuclear radiation is inherent to Earth and originates from radioactive isotopes naturally present in the environment. These radioactive isotopes can be categorized into two types: natural isotopes and cosmic rays. Natural isotopes, such as radioactive potassium and radioactive carbon, etc., which exist in the Earth's crust, naturally distributed in crustal rocks, soil, and sediments, ultimately entering the oceans. On the other hand, cosmic rays consist of high-energy particle radiation from outer space, interacting with molecules in the atmosphere to generate radioactive isotopes (carbon-14), which then enter the oceans (Li, 2023). The presence of these natural nuclear radiations in marine ecosystems is inevitable and typically exists in low concentrations, resulting in relatively minor physiological responses in most marine organisms. Artificial nuclear pollution originates from human activities, including nuclear energy development, nuclear weapons testing, nuclear accidents, and nuclear waste disposal (Figure 1). These activities have led to the release of a large amount of radioactive materials into the marine environment, posing severe threats to marine ecosystems. Nuclear power plants represent a significant source of anthropogenic nuclear pollution, which may lead to radioactive substances such as uranium and plutonium into the oceans. Nuclear weapons testing releases large quantities of radioactive isotopes being released into the atmosphere, subsequently depositing through precipitation into the oceans, exerting irreversible impacts on ecosystems. Nuclear accidents, such as the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster and the Fukushima nuclear disaster, can lead to extensive nuclear pollution, causing large-scale release of radioactive isotopes and seriously affecting surrounding marine ecosystems, jeopardizing the survival and health of marine organisms. Additionally, nuclear waste disposal may result in the leakage and release of radioactive isotopes into the oceans. The characteristic feature of anthropogenic nuclear pollution is that it often leads to a significant increase in the concentration of radioactive substances, thereby posing greater ecological risks to marine organisms. Different types of radioactive isotopes vary in their sources and properties, consequently eliciting different physiological responses in marine organisms.

International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-73 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 68 Figure 1 Deep hole processing of nuclear waste 1.2 Types and sources of radioactive substances Understanding the different types of radioactive isotopes and their sources is crucial for the effective management and mitigation of ecological risks associated with nuclear pollution. This understanding assists researchers and policymakers in better assessing and addressing the impact of nuclear pollution on marine ecosystems. The types and sources of radioactive substances are integral components of nuclear pollution. In the context of nuclear pollution, different types of radioactive isotopes vary in their sources and properties, resulting in distinct impacts on marine ecosystems and organisms. Some of the main radioactive isotopes include uranium, plutonium, strontium, iodine, and radon. Uranium is a common radioactive element that is widely present in the Earth's crust and it may be released into the oceans during accidents at nuclear facilities or nuclear weapons testing (Fadhil, 2023). Plutonium, often used in nuclear weapons manufacturing, is a highly radioactive element that may be released in significant quantities into the oceans through nuclear weapons testing and nuclear waste disposal. Strontium, a radioactive element, has a common radioactive isotope known as strontium-90, which may be released during nuclear facility accidents and nuclear weapons testing. Iodine, particularly the radioactive isotope iodine-131, is a common byproduct of nuclear facility accidents and should not be underestimated in nuclear pollution. Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive element primarily from the Earth's crust, may enter the oceans through groundwater. In addition, tritium is an isotope of hydrogen, widely used in nuclear power facilities and may be released into the ocean through nuclear power facility accidents or radioactive waste. These radioactive isotopes primarily originate from human activities such as nuclear energy development, nuclear weapons testing, nuclear accidents, and nuclear waste disposal. Leaks or accidents at nuclear power plants can result in the release of radioactive substances into the oceans, posing a threat to the survival of marine organisms. Improper nuclear waste disposal may also lead to the leakage and release of radioactive isotopes. 1.3 Ocean distribution and dispersion of nuclear pollution The distribution and spread of nuclear pollution in the ocean constitute a complex process influenced by various factors, including the types and properties of radioactive substances, release sources, oceanic water currents and depths, and the biologically availability of nuclides. Once radioactive isotopes enter the ocean, they will settle, diffuse, and transport within the water column at different rates. The sources of nuclear pollution can be categorized into natural sources and anthropogenic sources. Natural sources include radioactive isotopes in the Earth's crust and cosmic rays, resulting in low levels of natural nuclear radiation (Amjed et al., 2023). However, anthropogenic sources, such as nuclear energy development, nuclear weapons testing, nuclear accidents, and nuclear waste disposal, lead to significant releases of radioactive isotopes, significantly elevating the degree of nuclear pollution in the oceans. Oceanic water currents and depths play a crucial role in the distribution and spread of nuclear pollution. Surface waters are often directly influenced by atmospheric transport of nuclides, while deep waters may take longer to be affected by atmospheric transport of

International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-73 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 69 nuclides. The distribution of nuclides in the water column in different ways often leads to uneven vertical and horizontal distribution of radioactive nuclides in the water column. The biological availability of radioactive isotopes is another critical factor. Different tissues of organisms exhibit varying rates of absorption and accumulation of nuclides, resulting in a complex process of transfer and accumulation of nuclear pollution in the food chain, ultimately affecting different levels of marine organisms (Figure 2). Figure 2 Radioisotope leakage causes massive death of marine organisms The ecological effects of nuclear pollution on marine organisms also depend on the structure and biodiversity of the marine ecosystem. Certain organisms may exhibit higher tolerance to nuclear pollution, while others may be more susceptible to its impact. Interactions within the ecosystem and ecological niches also influence the ways in which nuclear pollution is propagated. In summary, the distribution and spread of nuclear pollution in the ocean are complex processes involving multiple interactive factors, including the sources of radioactive substances, characteristics of oceanic water bodies, behaviors of organisms, and the dynamics of the food chain. 2 Physiological Response Mechanisms of Marine Organisms to Nuclear Pollution The physiological response mechanisms of marine organisms to nuclear pollution constitute a complex process that depends on multiple factors. Nuclear pollution can have widespread effects on marine organisms and ecosystems. Some common physiological response mechanisms include DNA damage repair, antioxidant defense mechanisms, metabolic adaptations, reproductive and developmental damage, as well as changes in behavior and life history strategies (Figure 3). Figure 3 Biological cell damage

International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-73 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 70 2.1 DNA and cellular damage caused by nuclear pollution DNA and cellular damage caused by nuclear pollution in marine organisms have widespread effects on their survival and reproduction. Radioactive isotopes such as uranium, strontium, iodine, and radon, when released into the ocean, interact directly or indirectly with cells and DNA through their radioactive radiation, leading to DNA and cellular damage. Direct DNA damage includes DNA strand breaks, base damage, and cross-linking between DNA strands. These damages may result in the incomplete DNA molecules and mutations in genetic information, posing a severe threat to the normal functioning of cells. Furthermore, radioactive radiation may lead to the accumulation of DNA damage, exerting long-term effects on the genetic material within cells. Indirect DNA damage involves free radicals or oxidative stress induced by radioactive isotopes. These free radicals can trigger oxidative damage, including oxidative damage, phosphodiesters, and DNA strand breaks. Oxidative damage poses a serious threat to the integrity and stability of cellular DNA, thereby affecting the normal functioning of cells. Cellular damage not only includes DNA damage caused by nuclear radiation but also involves other essential components within cells. Damage to mitochondria may hinder cellular energy production, affecting cellular metabolism (Pei et al., 2023). Damage to the cell membrane may disrupt the balance between the internal and external environment, thereby interfering with cell function. These cellular damages not only threaten the health of individuals but may also lead to damage at the tissue and organ levels. DNA and cellular damage caused by nuclear pollution in marine organisms may result in genetic mutations, cell death, cellular dysfunction, and metabolic abnormalities. These effects may ultimately lead to a reduction in marine organism populations, ecosystem imbalance, and a decrease in biodiversity. In order to maintain the health and stability of marine ecosystems, as well as reduce the ecological risks of nuclear pollution, scientists and policymakers need to gain a deeper understanding of the DNA and cellular damage caused by nuclear pollution and its physiological response mechanisms. This will aid in implementing measures to reduce the sources of nuclear pollution and implementing appropriate protection and management measures to safeguard marine organisms from harm. 2.2 Regulation of gene expression and protein synthesis in marine organisms exposed to nuclear pollution Nuclear pollution has profound effects on the gene expression and protein synthesis of marine organisms. These effects are realized through various complex molecular mechanisms, encompassing multiple levels such as the regulation of gene expression and protein synthesis (Chen, 2021). The radiation energy released by radioactive isotopes in nuclear pollution directly interacts with the DNA molecules of living organisms, causing DNA damage. This includes DNA strand breaks, base damage, and cross-linking between DNA strands. These damages not only affect the integrity of DNA but may also trigger intracellular DNA repair mechanisms, leading to upregulation of gene expression related to DNA repair. Furthermore, radioactive radiation induced by nuclear pollution triggers oxidative stress reactions, generating reactive oxygen species and other oxidizing substances. This may influence the expression of genes related to oxidative stress within cells, such as antioxidant enzymes and genes involved in clearing reactive oxygen species. The regulation of the expression of these genes is crucial for maintaining oxidative balance within cells, but it may be disrupted under nuclear pollution conditions. Nuclear pollution may impact the expression of genes involved in cell cycle regulation, affecting cell division and proliferation. These effects can lead to changes in cell growth limitation, differentiation, and proliferation. Cell cycle regulation is a crucial aspect of gene expression, and changes in gene expression associated with nuclear pollution may have widespread effects on cell function and characteristics. In terms of protein synthesis regulation, nuclear pollution also influences the translation process. This includes affecting the translation rate and protein levels by modulating the activity of translation factors or altering the structure of RNA molecules. Translation is a key step in protein synthesis, and changes in translation regulation induced by nuclear pollution may result in alterations in the synthesis levels of proteins. Nuclear pollution may also affect post-translational modifications of proteins. This includes modifications such as phosphorylation,

International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-73 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 71 methylation, and acetylation, which can alter the function and stability of proteins. Nuclear pollution may lead to changes in the synthesis and modification of specific proteins, thereby affecting protein function. 2.3 Impact of nuclear pollution on adaptation and resistance mechanisms in marine organisms The adaptation and resistance mechanisms of marine organisms to nuclear pollution have a significant impact. This impact is realized through various complex molecular mechanisms, covering multiple levels such as the regulation of gene expression, DNA repair, antioxidant defense, protein modification, and cell survival strategies. DNA damage triggered by nuclear pollution is a crucial starting point. Subsequently, oxidative stress induced by nuclear pollution is a common physiological response. Moreover, nuclear pollution may alter the synthesis and modification of specific proteins, regulate changes in cell division and proliferation, and some marine organisms eliminate damaged cells by promoting apoptosis and autophagy to prevent the continued existence of damaged cells (Li et al., 2023). Marine organisms exposed to nuclear pollution for an extended period may accumulate beneficial genetic variations through genetic adaptation. These adaptive genotypes can enhance the organism's resistance, enabling it to better adapt to the environment affected by nuclear pollution. The various complex adaptation and resistance mechanisms triggered by nuclear pollution involve multiple biological aspects such as gene expression regulation, antioxidant defense, protein modification, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, and autophagy, among other biological levels. These mechanisms enable marine organisms to survive in environments affected by nuclear pollution, mitigate damage, and maintain their viability. However, detailed research on these mechanisms is still ongoing. Studies on the physiological response of different types of marine organisms to nuclear pollution demonstrate diversity. Research indicates that bivalves such as oysters and clams exhibit strong resistance mechanisms to nuclear pollution. These organisms can reduce the uptake of radioactive isotopes by accumulating heavy metal ions, thereby minimizing the impact of nuclear pollution. Oysters in nuclear pollution environments show enhanced antioxidant defense systems to neutralize reactive oxygen species and alleviate oxidative stress. Some algae species demonstrate adaptability in nuclear pollution environments. For example, after the Fukushima nuclear accident, certain algae species exhibited increased growth rates and photosynthetic rates, considered adaptive responses to nuclear pollution, possibly associated with oxidative stress and DNA damage induced by nuclear pollution. 3 Factors Influencing Nuclear Pollution Nuclear pollution is a complex issue influenced by a combination of various factors, categorized into natural factors, human factors, and ecosystem factors. Together, these factors shape the complexity and diversity of nuclear pollution.In terms of natural factors, geological features significantly impact the pathways of nuclear pollution spread. Geological characteristics such as groundwater levels, soil types, and underground flow paths determine the distribution of radioactive isotopes in groundwater and soil. Weather and meteorological conditions, including wind direction, wind speed, precipitation, and atmospheric pressure, directly influence the dispersion pathways and speed of nuclear pollutants in the atmosphere (Gu, 2021) (Figure 4). Additionally, natural Earth radiation interacts with nuclear pollution, contributing to increased environmental nuclear radiation. Figure 4 Schematic diagram of nuclear pollution affected by wind direction

International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-73 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 72 Human activities contribute significantly to nuclear pollution, with major sources including nuclear facilities, nuclear waste management, nuclear weapons usage, and nuclear waste disposal. Unsafe management of nuclear facilities, accidents, or leaks can lead to the release of radioactive substances, exemplified by the Chernobyl nuclear accident (Figure 5). The use of nuclear weapons and nuclear explosions generates a large amount of nuclear radiation and pollution, causing long-term effects on the global environment, as observed in the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Improper disposal and storage of nuclear waste also constitute significant contributors to nuclear pollution, illustrated by facilities such as the Hanford Nuclear Waste Storage Site in the United States. Figure 5 Chernobyl Fukushima nuclear waste discharge Ecological factors encompass ecosystem types, biological accumulation and ecological chain transmission, as well as the restorative capacity of ecosystems. Different types of ecosystems exhibit varying responses to nuclear pollution; wetlands and coastal ecosystems may be more adept at absorbing and storing nuclear pollutants (Li et al., 2022), while forests and mountain ecosystems may have distinct diffusion patterns in the nuclear pollution process. Organisms within ecosystems absorb and accumulate nuclear pollutants, transferring them up the food chain, resulting in cascading effects. The resilience of ecosystems plays a potential role in addressing nuclear pollution, with some ecosystems possessing inherent self-repairing potential. 4 Summary and Outlook Research on nuclear pollution contributes to revealing the accumulation and enrichment processes of radioactive substances in the environment on organisms. This helps researchers better understand which marine organisms are more susceptible to nuclear pollution and how they transfer nuclear pollutants into the food chain, ultimately affecting human food safety. Understanding the physiological responses of marine organisms is more helpful in predicting the long-term effects of nuclear pollution, including potential threats to biodiversity, ecosystem health, and the entire marine ecosystem. This review systematically explores the physiological responses of marine organisms to nuclear pollution, emphasizing the analysis of the sources and types of nuclear pollution, the physiological response mechanisms of marine organisms, and the various factors influencing nuclear pollution. As a serious global environmental issue, nuclear pollution has profound effects on marine organisms and the entire ecosystem. In-depth research into the effects of nuclear pollution on marine organisms enhances our understanding of marine ecosystems. Future research directions should delve deeper into nuclear pollution to comprehensively understand its additional impacts. Firstly, research should focus on biodiversity in different ecosystems, gaining insights into the adaptability and resistance mechanisms of different species, habitats, and ecosystems to nuclear pollution. Long-term monitoring and trend analysis are necessary to understand the evolution process of nuclear pollution and the long-term recovery capacity of ecosystems. Ecological risk assessment is also a crucial future research direction, enabling researchers to delve into the potential threats of nuclear pollution to ecosystem health and biodiversity, in order to mitigate the adverse impacts of nuclear pollution (Davis and Conroy, 2018).

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International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 74-82 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 74 Review and Progress Open Access The Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on the Decline of Fishery Resources Heng Han , Zaishi Chen Zhejiang Fishery Mutual Protection Association, Hangzhou, 310000, Zhejiang, China Corresponding author: 923268195@qq.com International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, doi: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0010 Received: 22 Feb., 2024 Accepted: 30 Mar., 2024 Published: 19 Apr., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Han and Chen, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Han H., and Chen Z.S., 2024, The impact of socio-economic factors on the decline of fishery resources, International Journal of Marine Science, 14(2): 74-82 (doi: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0010) Abstract The decline of fishery resources poses a serious challenge to the global marine ecosystem and socio-economic system. Socio economic factors play an important role in this issue and have a profound impact on the health and sustainability of fishery resources. The closely intertwined relationship between fisheries and socio-economic factors has become increasingly significant in the current global environmental context. The impact of socio-economic factors on the decline of fishery resources is mainly reflected in the livelihoods of fishermen, the protection of fishery practitioners by social policies, and overfishing behavior caused by economic development pressure. Although economic development brings prosperity to society, it may also trigger excessive dependence on fishery resources, accelerating the decline of resources. This review focuses on elucidating how socio-economic factors directly affect the health and sustainability of fishery resources, providing a profound understanding and insights for developing more forward-looking and feasible fisheries management policies. Keywords Fishery resources; Socio economic development; Ecological balance; Fishery activities; Resource decline With the rapid growth of global population and the continuous evolution of socioeconomic systems, the sustainability of fishery resources has attracted increasing attention. The fragility of marine ecosystems is intertwined with the continuous expansion of social and economic activities, leading to the severe decline of fishery resources (Zhu and Qian, 2022). In this context, socioeconomic factors are considered important driving forces that cannot be ignored in fishery resource management. The rapid decline of global fisheries resources has become a major focus on the current global environmental agenda. Factors such as overfishing, environmental pollution and climate change not only have a profound impact on marine ecosystems, but also place a heavy burden on communities around the world that rely on fisheries for their livelihoods. Over-exploitation of this resource and irresponsible fishing practices have exceeded the capacity of the natural system and caused irreversible damage to the socio-economic system. Socioeconomic factors play a key role behind the complex decline of fishery resources. The influence of fishery management policies, social policies, and economic development not only directly shapes the pattern of fishery activities (Wang, 2023), but also profoundly affects the livelihoods of fishermen and the sustainable development of communities. The interactive relationship between socioeconomic factors and fishery resources is not only reflected in the fishing and utilization process of resources, but also involves society's understanding of resources, the formulation of fishery policies, and the implementation of resource management. Against this background, this review aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the impact of socioeconomic factors on the decline of fishery resources and analyze their complex impact on fishery sustainability. Researchers will focus on key elements of fisheries management policy, social policy, and economic development to analyze their interactions with fishery resource health. Through case studies on the decline of global fisheries resources, the study will highlight the key role of socioeconomic factors in shaping fishery activities, affecting fishermen's livelihoods and challenging sustainable fisheries management. This review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding for future fishery resource management and policy formulation to promote the organic integration of socioeconomic and fishery sustainability.

International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 74-82 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 75 1 Socioeconomic Background of Fishery Resource Decline Behind the decline of global fishery resources is fishery dependence caused by population growth and economic development, overfishing caused by poor policies, and the impact of climate change caused by social vulnerability. In this socioeconomic background, fishermen's livelihoods are threatened, community vulnerability is intensified, and economic pressure triggers overfishing, forming a vicious cycle of unsustainable fishery resources (Froese et al., 2023). 1.1 Definition and impact of fishery resource decline The decline of fishery resources is a serious threat to the global marine ecosystem and human socioeconomics. The definition of this phenomenon is that due to the combined effect of multiple factors, including but not limited to overfishing, environmental pollution, and climate change, the number of fish, shellfish and other fishery resources in the ocean has decreased sharply (Rashid et al., 2023). This phenomenon not only has a lasting and far-reaching impact on the balance of the ecosystem, but also directly threatens the sustainable development of global fisheries and the economic prosperity of human society. Overfishing is one of the main causes of fishery resource decline. Globally, fisheries are overly intensive and exceed the natural ability of fish to reproduce and grow. The unsustainability of this fishing has led to the decline of some key fishery resource populations, even pushing them to the brink of extinction. At the same time, unreasonable fishing methods have also exacerbated the excessive loss of resources, forming a vicious cycle. Environmental pollution is another important factor leading to the decline of fishery resources. Water pollution caused by industrial emissions, agricultural pollution, and coastal development directly threatens the living environment of fishery resources. This kind of pollution not only destroys the habitat and causes many fishery resources to lose their breeding and growth places, but also causes them to be polluted by various harmful substances, which has a negative impact on the quality of fishery resources. Climate change is an emerging factor affecting fishery resources in recent years. Global climate warming has led to rising ocean temperatures and intensified acidification, which have had a profound impact on fish migration (Figure 1), breeding seasons and habitat selection. This has caused many traditional fishing areas to face changes in resource migration and distribution, bringing huge uncertainty to fishing activities. Figure 1 Large numbers of fish migrating in the ocean The decline of fishery resources has had a profound impact on human society and economy in many aspects. The economic losses are obvious, because fisheries are an important economic pillar for many countries and regions, and the depletion of resources has led to a sharp decline in catches, which in turn threatens the steady development of related industrial chains. Threats to fishermen’s livelihoods further exacerbate the problem, as fishing is the main source of livelihood for many communities and the depletion of the resource directly affects the lives and employment of millions of fishermen. At the same time, the decline of fishery resources has also

International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 74-82 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 76 triggered the collapse of ecosystems, and the loss of biodiversity has become an irreversible trend. This not only threatens the balance of marine ecology, but also has a direct impact on the global food chain and ecological balance. Social instability and competition for resources between regions have triggered conflicts, making the decline of fishery resources a global security issue. 1.2 The role of socioeconomic factors in the decline of fishery resources In the complex background of fishery resource decline, socioeconomic factors are a key point. The relationship between socioeconomic factors and fishery resources is closely intertwined, and its status is that it directly shapes and affects all aspects of fishery activities (Liu, 2023). The decline of fishery resources is not only an ecological problem, but also a problem in the social and economic structure. Socioeconomic pressure directly drives overexploitation of fishery resources. The continuous growth of the global population and economic development have led to a rapid increase in demand for fishery products, and society's over-reliance on fishery resources has become one of the driving forces behind the decline of resources. This economic pressure makes fishing activities tend to pursue short-term economic benefits while ignoring the sustainability of resources. In addition, fishermen's livelihoods are directly affected by socioeconomic factors. Social policies, employment opportunities and welfare systems are directly related to fishermen's income and living standards. In communities that lack social security, medical and educational opportunities, fishermen face greater economic pressure and may be inclined to adopt irresponsible fishing methods to maintain basic livelihoods, thus exacerbating the over-exploitation of resources. Fisheries management policies are also influenced by socioeconomic factors. Policy formulation and implementation are often influenced by social pressure and economic interests. If society's demand for fishery resources is too urgent, policies may tend to relax fishing restrictions too much and lack effective supervision, thus accelerating resource depletion. Socioeconomic factors also challenge the risks of sustainable fisheries management amid declining fishery resources. Unbalanced economic development and unfair distribution of social resources make some communities more vulnerable and more difficult to adapt to changes in resources. This may lead to over-exploitation of resources and illegal fishing, exacerbating the decline of fishery resources. The impact of the decline of fishery resources on the socio-economic system cannot be ignored. The economic losses are obvious, as fisheries are an important economic pillar for many countries and regions. The depletion of resources has not only led to a sharp decline in fishing volume, but also threatened the steady development of related industrial chains. Social instability also becomes a possible outcome, as uneven distribution and reduction of resources can easily lead to social dissatisfaction and tension. In the context of globalization, the decline of fishery resources has had a wide-ranging impact on the international community. Resource depletion and instability may trigger resource competition between regions and even lead to conflicts. This makes the decline of fishery resources a global security issue, involving international relations and the stability of the global economy. 1.3 Case study on the decline of global fishery resources Case studies on the decline of global fishery resources present a grim reality, highlighting the huge impact of socioeconomic factors on fishery resources. What deserves the most attention is the status of fishery resources in the North Atlantic. Over the past few decades, the North Atlantic was once one of the richest fishery resources, but due to overfishing, climate change and environmental pollution, the numbers of many fish stocks have declined sharply, including economically important species such as Atlantic cod. This recession not only had a huge impact on fishery practitioners, but also affected the economic development of related countries. Socioeconomic pressures drive fishermen to adopt irresponsible fishing methods, leading to further resource degradation. Another notable case occurred in the Indian Ocean coastal countries of East Africa. The fishery resources in these areas have long been an important source of livelihood for local residents. However, due to the lack of effective fishery management policies, socioeconomic vulnerability, and the impact of climate change, the resources of many fisheries are facing the threat of collapse (Lu et al., 2021). Overfishing, illegal fishing and the use of destructive fishing methods such as bottom trawling have made the decline of fishery resources in the region more

International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 74-82 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 77 serious. Social and economic difficulties force fishermen to adopt short-term profit-making strategies, which undoubtedly further accelerates the depletion of resources. Peru in South America also provides a thought-provoking case. Peru's fishery was once the backbone of the country's economy, but due to long-term overfishing and fluctuations in fishery resources caused by climate change, Peru's fishery is in trouble (James et al., 2023). In particular , Peruvian herring, one of the main species in Peruvian waters, has experienced mass deaths due to abnormal sea temperatures caused by climate change (Figure 2), triggering a sharp reduction in fishery resources in the region. This phenomenon has not only dealt a heavy blow to Peruvian fishery operators and related industries, but has also had a knock-on impact on species such as whale sharks around the world that rely on herring as a food source. Figure 2 A large number of Peruvian herring died on the coast Together, these cases demonstrate the complexity and multifactorial nature of fishery resource decline on a global scale. Socio-economic factors play a key role in this. From economic development pressure to the lack of effective fisheries management policies, to social vulnerability and the impact of climate change, a series of intertwined issues make the decline of fishery resources a comprehensive one. challenge. These cases not only remind everyone of the need for global cooperation to formulate scientific and sustainable fisheries management policies, but also emphasize the importance of socioeconomic factors in protecting and maintaining fishery resources. 2 Social Policy and Fishery Sustainability Social policies are also indispensable in the sustainable development of fisheries. Through reasonable fishery management regulations, social security and economic incentives, social policies can guide fishermen to adopt sustainable fishing methods and maintain the health of fishery resources. At the same time, social policies should focus on ensuring the livelihood of fishermen and the sustainable development of communities, ensuring that fishery activities not only meet short-term economic needs, but also take into account long-term ecological balance, and jointly promote fishery sustainability. 2.1 Evolution of fisheries management policies The evolution of fisheries management policies is a process closely linked to social, technological and environmental changes. Initially, fisheries policy focused primarily on the development and utilization of resources to meet people's demand for seafood. However, with the awakening of overfishing and resource decline, policy gradually shifted towards a focus on sustainability. Since the mid-20th century, the international community has gradually recognized the dangers of overfishing, leading to the formulation of a series of international agreements aimed at limiting fishing activities and maintaining the health of resources (Viola et al., 2022).