
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 57-65 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 64 Biodiversity conservation focuses on protecting and managing natural resources to avoid species extinction and ecosystem degradation. Establishing and expanding protected area networks is a fundamental strategy for protecting biodiversity. By delineating national parks, nature reserves and biosphere reserves, we provide safe habitats for wild animals and plants and protect them from interference by human activities. Implement species conservation plans, especially for endangered and threatened species, to increase their populations through measures such as artificial breeding, habitat restoration, and reintroduction into the wild. Protecting biodiversity also requires strengthening international cooperation, especially the protection of transboundary species and ecosystems, and jointly addressing the challenge of biodiversity loss through the signing of international agreements and the implementation of regional protection projects. Ecological restoration refers to the process of restoring degraded, damaged or lost ecosystems through human intervention. The goal of ecological restoration is to restore the structure and function of the ecosystem and enhance its self-sustainability. This includes restoring damaged ecosystems through afforestation, wetland restoration, degraded land management and water purification. Ecological restoration work emphasizes the use of native species for restoration to maintain the originality and integrity of the ecosystem. Ecological restoration also emphasizes community participation and multi-stakeholder cooperation to ensure the socio-economic sustainability of restoration work. There is a close connection between biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration. Ecological restoration work helps to enhance the biodiversity of damaged ecosystems, and rich biodiversity is the basis for ensuring the health and function of ecosystems. In the face of global environmental changes and the impact of human activities on the natural environment, adopting effective biodiversity protection strategies and ecological restoration measures is of great significance to maintaining the stability of the earth's life support system, promoting ecological sustainable development, and ensuring long-term human well-being. 5 Summary and Outlook As global climate change increasingly impacts the marine environment, marine life is forced to adopt various adaptation strategies to cope with these challenges. These adaptation strategies reflect the response of organisms to environmental changes during the evolution process, including species migration, physiological adaptation, changes in reproductive strategies, and behavioral adaptation. Through these mechanisms, marine organisms try to maintain their ability to survive and reproduce, and find new ways to survive in an ever-changing environment. Species migration manifests itself as the movement of marine organisms to cooler waters or deeper seas in order to find a more suitable living environment; physiological adaptation involves the adjustment of the internal functions of organisms, such as changing the body's salt concentration regulation mechanism to adapt to changes in salinity; reproductive strategies Changes include adjusting breeding time and location to adapt to changes in environmental conditions; behavioral adaptation may be reflected in changes in foraging habits, habitat selection, and social behavior patterns. In this context, human beings’ role and responsibility in marine protection become particularly important. As intelligent creatures on earth, humans not only enjoy the benefits brought by marine resources, but also bear the major responsibility of protecting the marine environment. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the ocean, establishing and managing marine protected areas to protect critical marine ecosystems and species, implementing sustainable marine resource management strategies, and enhancing scientific research on marine ecosystems, and Increase public awareness and participation in the importance of marine protection. As for future research directions, it is necessary to further enhance our understanding of the mechanisms by which marine ecosystems respond to climate change, especially the long-term effects of biological adaptation strategies and potential ecological feedbacks. Strengthening interdisciplinary research and combining research results in the fields of marine science, climate change science, and socioeconomics can provide scientific basis for formulating more effective marine protection policies and management strategies. At the same time, the use of new