
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 57-65 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 63 formulating a management plan to determine protection objectives, management measures and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Managing marine protected areas is a complex process that requires effective legal and policy support, as well as adequate financial and human resources. Management measures may include restrictions or prohibitions on fishing, anchoring, tourism, and other activities that may cause damage to the ecosystem. In addition, effective management also requires regular monitoring of ecological conditions in protected areas, assessing the effectiveness of conservation measures, and adjusting management strategies as needed. Community participation is one of the key factors in the successful management of marine protected areas. By raising local community awareness and engagement, not only can the effectiveness of conservation measures be enhanced, but economic and social well-being benefits can also be achieved for local communities, such as through sustainable tourism and fisheries practices. In addition, international cooperation is also crucial for the effective management of transboundary marine protected areas, as marine ecosystems and species migration are not restricted by national borders. 4.2 Climate change mitigation measures Climate change mitigation measures refer to a series of strategies and actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sink capabilities, with the purpose of slowing down the speed and magnitude of changes in the global climate system. These measures cover many fields such as energy production and consumption, transportation, industry, agriculture, forest management and waste treatment, aiming to achieve economic and social development while reducing environmental impact. The energy transition is one of the key measures to mitigate climate change. This includes improving energy efficiency, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and increasing the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energy. By optimizing the energy structure and improving energy use efficiency, emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide can be significantly reduced. Reforms in the transportation sector are also important measures to mitigate climate change. Promoting low-carbon transportation modes, such as electric vehicles, public transportation systems and non-motorized travel, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector. In addition, encouraging green travel and establishing more efficient logistics and transportation networks can also help reduce the carbon footprint. In the industrial sector, greenhouse gas emissions during industrial production can be reduced by adopting clean and efficient production technologies, improving process flows, and utilizing measures such as waste heat and waste recycling. At the same time, developing a circular economy and improving resource utilization efficiency and recycling rates are also important climate change mitigation strategies. In terms of agriculture and forest management, through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices and forest protection and restoration projects, the carbon sequestration capacity of the land can be enhanced while protecting biodiversity. This includes reducing overgrazing, avoiding deforestation and degradation, and implementing measures such as reforestation and wetland restoration. Raising public awareness and promoting international cooperation are important ways to achieve climate change mitigation goals. Increase public awareness and participation in climate change issues through education and publicity. At the global level, strengthening international cooperation and jointly formulating and implementing emission reduction goals and strategies is the key to meeting the challenges of global climate change (Ottersen et al., 2022). 4.3 Biodiversity protection and ecological restoration Biodiversity protection and ecological restoration are the two core directions of current environmental protection work, aiming to protect the diversity of life on earth and restore damaged ecosystems. These efforts are critical to maintaining ecological balance, protecting natural resources, combating climate change, and safeguarding human well-being.