
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-5 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 3 Figure 2 Changes in global marine salinity distribution 2 Innovation Points and Contributions 2.1 Innovations of this study This study adopted an integrated model approach to predict the response of fish distribution, which is an innovative method that combines the results of multiple models. By integrating multiple models, researchers can obtain more accurate and reliable results in prediction and reduce the limitations of a single model. This study also conducted specific and in-depth research on the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea regions in China, analyzing the current distribution of fish and considering the impact of multiple environmental factors on fish distribution, including factors such as salinity and seabed temperature. Finally, an integrated model was used to predict future trends. Through these innovations, researchers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of climate change on fish distribution, which not only provides scientific basis for fisheries management and protection in the region, but also has significant implications for sustainable fisheries management strategies. 2.2 Contributions to the research field This study proposes an integrated model approach that reveals the impact of climate change on fish distribution through the prediction of integrated models. This method integrates the results of multiple models, improving the accuracy and reliability of predictions. The application of this method has reference significance for other researchers to conduct research in similar fields, providing new methods and foundations for future research. In addition, this provides new insights into the response mechanisms of fish to the environment and provides reference for similar research fields. 3 Subsequent Research Directions Although this study considered some major environmental factors, there are still other factors that may have an impact on fish distribution. Subsequent research can further explore and consider the impact of more environmental factors, such as water quality, tides, and currents, on the distribution of marine organisms, in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the driving factors of fish distribution. In addition, in addition to predicting changes in the spatial distribution of fish, research directions can attempt to predict changes in fish communities (Figure 3). This involves considering the interactions and competition between multiple species, as well as the impact of food chains and ecological networks, which can provide a deeper understanding of the impact of climate change on the entire ecosystem. This study mainly focuses on the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea regions in China. In fact, the research scope can be extended to other ocean regions, attempting to improve the accuracy and stability of the integrated model. By introducing more models, improving the algorithm and parameters of the model, and adding more validation data, the adaptability and generalization of the study can be increased, and the differences and commonalities of fish distribution in different regions can be compared. This will help to comprehensively understand the impact of climate change on global fish distribution and provide cross regional management strategies.