
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 40-50 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 48 promoting this ambitious plan, we face many challenges. At the same time, we also see the huge potential and contribution of scientific research and technological innovation in reversing the declining trend of ocean health. 5.1 Challenges during implementation In the implementation process of the “Ocean Decade” plan, funding, coordination and cooperation and knowledge dissemination are the three main challenges. Insufficient funding has been a major obstacle limiting the implementation of marine scientific research and conservation projects. Effective ocean management and protection require a large amount of economic investment, including the purchase of scientific research equipment, the establishment and maintenance of monitoring systems, and the training of scientific researchers. Coordination and cooperation are also a major challenge. The ocean is a global shared resource that transcends national boundaries and requires joint efforts and cooperation from the international community to effectively manage and protect it. There are differences between different countries and regions in terms of economic development levels, scientific and technological capabilities, and maritime policies and laws. These differences increase the complexity of international cooperation. Knowledge dissemination and public awareness raising are equally important but full of challenges. How to effectively disseminate scientific research results and conservation knowledge to the public and improve the whole society’s understanding and participation in marine protection is the key to achieving sustainable development of the ocean. 5.2 Contribution to scientific research and technological innovation Despite the many challenges, the Ocean Decade has made a significant contribution to reversing the decline in ocean health through scientific research and technological innovation. Scientific research has deepened our understanding of the operating mechanisms of marine ecosystems and provided scientific basis for protecting and managing marine resources. Technological innovations, such as advanced ocean observation technology and data analysis tools, have greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of ocean monitoring and provided strong support for ocean management. In addition, scientific and technological progress has also promoted the development of new solutions, such as biodegradable materials and clean energy technologies, opening up new ways to reduce marine pollution and combat climate change. 5.3 Conclusion and recommendations “United Nations Decade of Ocean Science” plan provides a valuable platform for the restoration and sustainable development of global ocean health. Through scientific research and technological innovation, we can not only better understand and protect the ocean, but also provide effective strategies and solutions to deal with global environmental changes. Facing the future, continued scientific exploration and technological progress will continue to play a key role. Working with global partners, we are expected to achieve the ambitious goal of sustainable ocean development. Looking forward, in order to overcome implementation challenges and achieve the goals of the Decade of Marine Science, the following suggestions are worth considering: Increase financial investment: The international community should increase financial support for marine scientific research and technological innovation, especially to support capacity building in this field in developing countries. Strengthen international cooperation: By strengthening international cooperation, share marine scientific research results and technological innovations, coordinate global ocean governance, and jointly respond to marine environmental issues. Raise public awareness: Strengthen publicity and education on the importance of marine protection, increase public awareness, and promote society-wide support for marine health and sustainable development. Promote the transformation of scientific research results: Establish an effective mechanism to accelerate the transformation of marine scientific research results into actual policies and management measures, and ensure that research investment can be transformed into actual benefits.