
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 29-39 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 34 Despite the innovative nature of the protocol, acknowledging potential inherent biases is imperative. Nonetheless, the protocol facilitates meaningful spatial and temporal comparisons, providing valuable insights. Noteworthy advantages of the new protocol include its ability to store video samples across different time windows for comprehensive analyses. However, it is crucial to recognize drawbacks such as sampling costs and potential inaccuracies in fish counts. The study successfully detected numerous species in the HCAR at Colls i Miralpeix, Costes del Garraf Marine Protected Area. Still, it is essential to note the potential incompleteness of the fish faunal list due to preliminary observations and the recent deployment of Artificial Reefs (ARs) in the marine park. Despite a thorough analysis of images, certain crypto-benthic species may have been inadvertently overlooked (Condal et al., 2012). To bolster primary conclusions, it is recommended to conduct more rigorous statistical analyses and intensify sampling efforts. This approach will establish a stronger foundation for interpreting observed ecological transitions and succession dynamics within the reef fish community influenced by HCAR deployment (Paxton et al., 2020). Regarding the acquired list of fish species, their relative abundances, and trophic levels, the samples exhibit a dominance of species with relatively low trophic levels, potentially impacting the ecosystem structure and energy flow. Although higher trophic level species are present in smaller proportions, noteworthy examples such as the Common dentex (Dentex dentex Linnaeus, 1758) and European conger (Conger conger Linnaeus, 1758) display the highest trophic levels at 4.5 and 4.26, respectively, playing a crucial role in regulating lower trophic levels. On the other hand, it is worth noting that certain species, such as Gilthead seabream (Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758), Red scorpionfish (Scorpaena scrofa Linnaeus, 1758), and Ocean sunfish (Molamola Linnaeus, 1758), exhibit low occurrence, suggesting their rarity or infrequency during the sampling period. Variability in species counts during HCAR’s seasonal and successional evolution correlates with changes in environmental conditions (e.g., water temperature, light availability, nutrient levels). These factors significantly shape marine ecosystem dynamics, influencing species distribution and behaviour. The AR established in the Catalan Sea fosters a conducive habitat for diverse marine organisms, facilitating different species’ thriving during specific seasons. Reported seasonal population fluctuations link to individual species behaviour changes following AR deployment’s ecosystem succession and evolution (Condal et al., 2012; 2020). Numerous faunistic observations contributed to compiling a comprehensive list of resident marine species, resembling other Western Mediterranean areas, notably P. incisus dominance, aligning with similar studies (Doumpas et al., 2020). Remarkably, Haemulidae and Sparidae species prevalence links to the AR presence, confirming increased Sparidae in AR environments from ecological and ethological perspectives (Charbonnel et al., 2002; Relini, 2002b). In the intricate web of the artificial reef ecosystem, P. incisus, C. chromis, and D. vulgaris emerge as pivotal players. P. incisus assumes a crucial predatory role, regulating the population sizes of smaller fish species and crustaceans, thereby maintaining ecological balance. C. chromis fulfills multiple ecological functions as a primary consumer, grazing on plankton and algae to control algal growth and contribute to nutrient cycling. Additionally, it serves as prey for larger predators, facilitating energy transfer within the food web. D. vulgaris acts as an omnivorous feeder, consuming small crustaceans, molluscs, and algae, thereby contributing to nutrient cycling and energy transfer within the ecosystem. These species interact with their environment by influencing prey abundance, modifying habitat structure through grazing behaviours, and participating in energy transfer dynamics. Collectively, their interactions shape the structure and functioning of HCAR, highlighting their importance in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health. Zone A (Central core HCAR) consistently holds the highest mean fish count, indicating its significance in fish abundance, while zone C (Individual HCAR) displays higher species diversity and evenness. Differences in metrics suggest variability due to ecological factors, seasonal changes, or spatial heterogeneity. The ARs significantly influences Sparidae distribution (e.g., D. vulgaris) and other species (e.g., C. chromis), impacting resulting community composition, as observed in Fish counts and Shannon-Weaver Diversity Index. Differences across zones (camera transects) sometimes suggest variations due to the bidirectional movement of individuals, migration, and recruitment influencing fish biomass in coastal areas. Ecosystem succession and complexity