
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 29-39 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 31 Table 1 Some video-sample examples from the area of study Month Time Area sampled Link June 12’16” Sandy bottom https://youtu.be/4wXriV2x47s Central core HCAR - Inside central core HCAR - Individual HCAR - Water column - Sandy bottom https://youtu.be/VYUEFr132yM 22” Sandy bottom https://youtu.be/4dLutScGRcc 27” Sandy bottom https://youtu.be/Lo--qjNJ1n0 13” Sampling technique https://youtu.be/FGtBZDo-h6g 20” Individual HCAR https://youtu.be/zGQGVstxUhM 21” Inside indiv. HCAR https://youtu.be/SpQVHUwfw5w 14” Individual AR https://youtu.be/ekSr6FIVPtA 10” Inside indiv. HCAR https://youtu.be/bpr4rvNuNbc 45” Individual HCAR and inside https://youtu.be/7CBeKppocl4 15” Sandy bottom and indiv. HCAR https://youtu.be/laOagxGYBhI August 3” Sandy bottom https://youtu.be/lfvjQKQzg8k 5” Inside indiv. HCAR https://youtu.be/oZj3e26jWgw 1’09” Inside indiv. HCAR https://youtu.be/dtvOKUxgFeY 27” Central core HCAR and Inside central core HCAR https://youtu.be/E0M4Lc2nK4E - 11” Individual HCAR https://youtu.be/J8RIABV6vIE 42” Inside central core HCAR https://youtu.be/M9hkPp5qDc8 1’12” Central core HCAR and Inside central core HCAR https://youtu.be/mjXhBQjqUxg - 54” Individual HCAR https://youtu.be/ibIzrVsS2fY Note: Items are month, duration of video samples, area of video recorded and online link for visualization Table 2 List of species observed, total number of fish observed and percentage of occurrence, trophic level, mean trophic level and mean trophic level standardized to the video-transects analysed Common name Scientific name % TL Bastard grunt Pomadasys incisus 45.83 3.8 Damselfish Chromis chromis 26.94 3.38 Two-banded seabream Diplodus vulgaris 18.85 3.34 Redmullet Mullus barbatus 3.95 3.24 White seabream Diplodus sargus 2.16 3.24 Annular seabream Diplodus annularis 0.63 3.21 Comber Serranus cabrilla 0.48 3.68 Bogue Boops boops 0.22 3.11 Striped goby Gobius vittatus 0.19 2.94 Saddled seabream Oblada melanura 0.19 3.38 Brown meagre Sciaena umbra 0.15 3.83 Rainbow wrasse Coris julis 0.07 3.24 Red scorpionfish Scorpaena scrofa 0.07 3.95 Ocean sunfish Molamola 0.07 3.28 Gilthead seabream Sparus auratus 0.04 3.39 Common dentex Dentex dentex 0.04 4.5 European conger Conger conger 0.04 4.26 Small red scorpionfish Scorpaena notata 0.04 3.44 Guinean weever Trachinus armatus 0.04 3.66 Total number of fish visualizations 2684 Mean trophic level 3.52 Mean trophic level standarized 3.43