
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 21-28 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 28 change (Somai, 2019). Governments worldwide should implement measures to restrict the use of single-use plastic products, promote biodegradable and sustainable alternatives. Education and awareness-raising are also crucial to increase public awareness of the plastic waste issue and encourage sustainable lifestyles. Additionally, investments in plastic recycling and cleanup technologies are needed to reduce plastic waste entering the oceans. The international community should enhance cooperation to collectively address marine plastic pollution, including cross-border cleanup initiatives and collaborative research projects. Acknowledgments I would like to extend special thanks to Ms. Jin Lingfei for her meticulous review during the editing process of this paper. References Carol P., 2013, Microbes occupy, may be degrading plastic debris in oceans, Microbe Magazine, 8(11): 438-439. https://doi.org/10.1128/microbe.8.438.1 Depledge M.H., Galgani F., Panti C., Caliani I., Casini S., and Fossi M.C., 2013, Plastic litter in the sea, Mar. Environ. Res., (92): 279-281. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.10.002 Faisal M., Chaudhury S., Sankaran K.S., Raghavendra S., Chitra R.J., Eswaran M., and Boddu R., 2022, Faster R-CNN algorithm for detection of plastic garbage in the ocean: a case for turtle preservation, Math. Probl. Eng., 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/3639222 Han L., Han T., Xia Y.M., Fu Z.C., and Gong Y.S., 2022, Study on distribution characteristics of marine debris in Tianjin coastal waters in 2019, Tianjin Keji (Tianjin Science & Technology), 49(11): 12-14. Heo S., Lee Who S., Lee D.K., Kim G.S., Kim J., Oh J., and Kim C.K., 2023, Risk assessment of marine litter pollution from maritime industries on seabird habitat, Ocean Coast, Manage., 245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106840 Li B.B., 2019, The ocean-a victim of climate change and a key player in addressing climate change, Haiyang Shijie (Ocean World), (11): 44-47. Patra S., Khurshid M., Basir A., Mishra P., and Ramanamurthy M.V., 2023, Marine litter management: A sustainable action plan and recommendations for the South Asian Seas region, Marine Policy, 157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105854 Paul V., 2018, Fleet of sailboat drones could monitor climate change’s effect on oceans, Science, (2018): 23-32. Someno K., 2019, Japan’s countermeasures to deal with plastic pollution in the oceans, Shijie Huanjing (World Environment), (6): 38-41. Sun J.X., 2021, Do you understand this piece of blue, Shijie Jingji (Environmental Economy), (11): 8-9.