
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 21-28 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 27 (PVC), can leach into the water, leading to an increase in toxic substance concentrations. This may cause toxic effects on marine organisms, damaging their reproductive capacity, immune systems, and overall survival capabilities. Chemicals and microplastics in plastic waste may adsorb onto the surface or internal tissues of organisms, facilitating their transfer to higher levels of the food chain. This leads to the gradual accumulation of toxic substances, negatively impacting various levels of the food chain, including ultimate predators at the top of the food chain, such as whales and humans. Plastic waste can cause habitat destruction, including coral reefs, seagrass beds, and the habitats of benthic organisms, affecting the living conditions of benthic organisms and other marine life. Plastic waste may serve as a carrier for pathogens, as some organisms may linger on plastic waste for a period, potentially acting as vectors for disease transmission. 4 Sustainable Management and Strategies to Reduce Marine Plastic Pollution Strategies to reduce marine plastic pollution encompass several measures. Establishing effective plastic waste recycling and reuse systems helps minimize the amount of garbage entering the oceans. Additionally, promoting biodegradable and alternative plastic products, such as biodegradable plastics and reusable containers, reduces the use of conventional plastics. Restricting or banning the use of single-use plastic products, such as straws, plastic bags, and disposable utensils, encourages the adoption of sustainable alternatives. Strengthening education and awareness initiatives reminds the public about the importance of the plastic waste issue, encouraging them to reduce plastic product usage, properly manage waste, and participate in cleanup activities. Improving waste management and disposal facilities ensures that garbage is adequately handled, preventing it from entering rivers and oceans. International cooperation is also crucial, and countries can sign international agreements and collaborate on projects to address transboundary marine plastic pollution. Organizing and supporting cleanup activities can help remove plastic waste from the oceans. Scientific research and monitoring contribute to a better understanding of the scope and impact of the problem, supporting policies and management measures (Patra et al., 2023). Encourage improvements in product design and production standards to reduce the environmental impact of plastic products, including reducing the use of non degradable plastics and toxic substances. Finally, implementing economic incentive measures, such as tax policies and reward mechanisms, can encourage innovation and sustainable alternatives. These comprehensive measures require the collaborative efforts of governments, industries, non-governmental organizations, and the public to effectively reduce the extent of marine plastic pollution, safeguarding marine ecosystems and human health. 5 Summary and Outlook This review explores the comprehensive impacts of climate change on the dispersion of plastic waste in the oceans. It discusses the concept of climate change, emphasizing its associations with global temperature rise, sea level elevation, and climate extreme events. This review also explores in detail the direct impact of climate change on the marine environment, including factors such as rising sea temperatures, changes in ocean circulation, and acidification. These influences alter the physical and chemical characteristics of the oceans, potentially affecting the distribution and decomposition of plastic waste. Furthermore, climate change negatively impacts marine ecosystems, disrupting food chains and biodiversity. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of climate change on marine plastic waste, further research is needed to investigate its specific impacts on the decomposition rate and distribution patterns of plastic waste, especially in deep-sea environments. Conduct in-depth research on how climate change affects the interaction between marine organisms and plastic waste, including the ingestion behaviors and toxic effects of organisms. Lastly, cross-border collaboration and international research are essential directions for future studies, as climate change and plastic waste are global issues that require collective efforts to address. To mitigate the impact of climate change on plastic waste in the oceans, the international community should take stronger climate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, controlling the speed and magnitude of climate