
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 211-220 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 213 assessment of Laminaria japonica production in Ningde indicates a mean exergy demand value of 0.25 GJ eq. per live-weight ton, highlighting its relatively low resource use compared to other mariculture products (Marín et al., 2019). This efficient resource use contributes to the high market supply and meets the growing demand for sustainable aquaculture products. 3.2 Economic benefits for local communities The cultivation of Laminaria japonica provides significant economic benefits to local communities involved in its farming. The mariculture sector, including Laminaria japonica farming, supports the livelihoods of many local populations by providing employment opportunities and contributing to the local economy. The efficient resource management and sustainable practices in Laminaria japonica farming can further enhance these economic benefits. Policies aimed at improving farm design, input management, and spatial planning of marine areas can lead to increased resource efficiency and reduced environmental impacts, thereby supporting the long-term economic sustainability of local communities (Marín et al., 2019). 3.3 Industry trends and developments The Laminaria japonica industry is witnessing several trends and developments aimed at enhancing sustainability and economic viability. One notable development is the use of Laminaria japonica as a biomass feedstock for biochar production. Research has shown that biochars derived from Laminaria japonica grown in different habitats exhibit varying levels of environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs), which are influenced by the growth environment and pyrolysis temperatures (Huang et al., 2020). This indicates the potential for Laminaria japonica to contribute to sustainable biochar production, which can be used in soil improvement and carbon sequestration. Additionally, the focus on efficient resource management and sustainable practices in Laminaria japonica farming is expected to drive further industry advancements and support the growing market demand for eco-friendly aquaculture products (Marín et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2020). 4 Environmental Impact of Laminaria japonicaFarming 4.1 Impact on marine ecosystems Laminaria japonica farming has significant implications for marine ecosystems. The large-scale cultivation of this brown alga can alter local marine environments, primarily through changes in habitat structure and nutrient dynamics. For instance, the introduction of extensive Laminaria japonica farms can provide new habitats for various marine organisms, potentially increasing local biodiversity. However, it can also lead to habitat displacement for species that previously occupied the area (Marín et al., 2019). Additionally, the farming practices can influence the formation of environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) in biochars derived from Laminaria japonica, which vary depending on the growth environment of the algae (Huang et al., 2020). These EPFRs can have long-term environmental impacts, although their specific effects on marine ecosystems require further study. 4.2 Water quality and nutrient cycling The cultivation of Laminaria japonica can significantly affect water quality and nutrient cycling in marine environments. The algae can absorb and sequester nutrients from the water, potentially mitigating eutrophication in nutrient-rich coastal areas. However, the farming process itself can introduce nutrients and organic matter into the water, which may lead to localized eutrophication if not managed properly (Chu et al., 2019). Moreover, the decomposition of Laminaria japonica biomass can release nutrients back into the water, influencing nutrient cycling and potentially leading to shifts in the composition of local microbial communities (Duan et al., 2019). These changes can have cascading effects on water quality and the overall health of marine ecosystems. 4.3 Biodiversity and habitat changes Laminaria japonica farming can lead to significant changes in local biodiversity and habitat structures. The physical presence of the algae farms can create new habitats for marine organisms, potentially increasing local biodiversity by providing shelter and food sources (Marín et al., 2019). However, this can also result in the displacement of native species and changes in the composition of local communities. For example, the