
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 195-210 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 207 Rowan (2023) described the use of an integrated multitrophic aquaculture system developed by the Irish peatlands relying upon the micro-algae, bacteria and duckweed to manage the wetlands. With the use of Next-Generation sequencing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, this peatland could be converted into an aquaculture-prone area to sustainably breed certain types of fish adapted to such areas. This peatland had been earmarked to be suitable for deploying other digital technologies such as drones and robots aided with satellite systems to control the production of fisheries, meanwhile having real-time control of the production. 5 Conclusion It can be concluded that this study showcased that there is literature and interest among researchers to continue reviewing papers and describe the positive effects of digital technologies on the management and production of fisheries and aquaculture. The results from this study gave a large variation of digital components used throughout the world which have been successfully implemented. However, some disadvantages have been given that digital technologies could not resolve when applied to the industry of fisheries and aquaculture. This study addresses the safe practice of different digital and technological components which could be adapted to have sustainable food production. Finally, it can be said that the use of digital technologies should work alongside fisheries and aquaculture production as a view to mitigate its effects. The use of machinery and tools can help to alleviate the effects of fish farming. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Reference Aliyu I., Kolo J., Gana Musa A., Agajo J., Abdullahi A., Orire M., Folorunso M., Abiodun T., Mutiu T., and Adegboye A., 2017, A proposed fish counting algorithm using digital image processing technique, Technology and Education (JOSTE), 5: 1. Bachtiar M.I., Hidayat R., and Anantama R., 2022, Internet of Things (IoT) based aquaculture monitoring system, MATEC Web Conf., 372: 04009. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/202237204009 Balasundram S.K., Shamshiri R.R., Sridhara S., and Rizan N., 2023, The role of digital agriculture in mitigating climate change and ensuring food security: an overview, Sustainability, 15(6): 5325. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15065325 Barange M., Bahri T., Beveridge M.C.M., Cochrane K.L., Funge-Smith S., and Poulain F., 2018, Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture: synthesis of current knowledge adaptation and mitigation options, Rome: Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations, 12(4): 628-635. Boyd C.E., McNevin A.A., and Davis R., 2022, The contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to the global protein supply, Food Security, 14(3): 805-827. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-021-01246-9 Castanheira M.F., Conceição L.E.C., Millot S., Rey S., Bégout M.L., Damsgård B., Kristiansen T., Höglund E., Øverli Ø., and Martins C.I.M., 2015, Coping styles in farmed fish: consequences for aquaculture, Reviews in Aquaculture, 9(1): 23-41. https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12100 Chen J.H., Sung W.T., and Lin G.Y., 2015, Automated monitoring system for the fish farm aquaculture environment, 2015, IEEE international conference on systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1161-1166. https://doi.org/10.1109/SMC.2015.208 Chand B.K., Rajendran S., and Mohan C.V., 2022, Climate resilient technologies/practices to support pond aquaculture and beel fisheries under apart, Assam India, Penang Malaysia: WorldFish: WorldFish Communications and Marketing Department, 2022. Chetwynd E., 2022, Critical analysis of reliability and validity in literature reviews, Journal of Human Lactation, 38(3): 089033442211002. https://doi.org/10.1177/08903344221100201 Conolly A., 2018, Eight digital technologies disrupting aquaculture-responsible seafood advocate, Global Seafood Alliance. Dahl I., 2020, Adaptation of aquaculture to climate change: the relevance of temporal, International Framework from a Norwegian Perspective, 288(319): 289. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108907118.013 Dismukes A., 2022, Innovations in aquaculture production and fisheries management build climate resilience, Agrilinks, 29(4): 721-738. F.A.O., 2022, Fisheries and aquaculture adaptations to climate change, The state of World Fisheries and aquaculture: towards blue transformation, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 4(1): 40-41. Food and Agricultural Organization, 2014, National ESD reporting framework for Australian fisheries: The ‘how to’ guide for wild capture fisheries, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: FAO Fishery Glossary (2009); FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, cm.2002: 2-124.