
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 195-210 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 206 e-fishery, the sensors can detect and control the hunger level of fish and distribute feed subsequently (Zhou et al., 2017a). Robotics could automate fish farming operations, monitor water quality, and detect disease outbreaks. Automated fishing may be geared towards optimizing operations, reducing bycatch, and improving fish welfare. Santos (2023) reported that a floating solar technology developed by industrials could help in aquaculture projects but there has been a dearth of research on this topic such that no relevant scientific articles have been found treating this subject. This technology was established to use floating solar panels on top of farmed cages to create electrical energy required for the level of temperature of the water and for powering the fish farms. 4.2 Genetics Kumar and Kocour (2017) denoted the use of genetic bottleneck to modify the DNA sequence (Lu and Luo, 2020) of consumable fish species that would be revolutionary and sustain the different climatic constraints. The studies demonstrated that in Next- Generation Sequencing, there had been a large opening of information about genomic sequencing as described by Li and Wang (2017) including the genes variation, mutations and physiological effects of the organisms. Nevertheless, the NGS required large processing power and would be very costly. But there would need to be high hope that a vast variety of species be studied using this NGS method. According to Robledo et al. (2018), their study successfully demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of technology in combating the Amoebic Gill Disease through the genetic manipulation of traits potentially contributing to disease resistance. The genetic architecture would enable the original genetic sequencing to develop traits for host resistance. 4.3 Geographical information system According to Ingole et al. (2015), the use of a GIS system could help to track and keep control of the culture of land-based fisheries while enhancing economic returns. Using this system would be a great way to control the different effects of extreme weather events susceptible to causing damage to fisheries and aquaculture. Aguilar-Manjarrez (2013) proposed that using GIS and remote sensing would lead to a sustainable fisheries and aquaculture industry. It is important to have a marine spatial planning protocol that would help extract the information while empowering policy-making to act accordingly about the changing climate. Meaden (2019) demonstrated the use of GeoCrust 2.0, a GIS developed by the University of Algarve, which is used in Portuguese fisheries to store, analyze, and display data from Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS). The data is grouped into 0.2 by 0.2 nautical mile gridded cells, with trawling frequency and depth varying from zero to over 115. The data is divided into seven zones, with the proportion of different catch species and catch rate per hour displayed. Likewise, the author showed that The Gulf state of Oman relies heavily on fisheries for employment, income, and food due to limited resources. Most of the catch occurs in coastal shelf waters in the southeast, primarily due to Somalia's upwelling. GIS maps show the seasonal spatial evolution of catches, highlighting the importance of sustainable fishing practices. 4.4 Usage of digital technologies and business models According to Bachtiar et al. (2022), aquaculture maintenance and management require monitoring and forecasting water quality, with pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature being key parameters. IoT can support this maintenance by monitoring pond water quality remotely. This device monitors temperature, oxygen content, pH, and turbidity levels, allowing fish farmers to monitor their production remotely. Real-time measurements of these parameters, which affect shrimp growth, can be accessed from smartphones or tablets, reducing the need for in-person monitoring. Zainudin et al. (2023) demonstrated the e-fishery which connotates the use of digital platforms to provide a safe fishery that could be bred sustainably and be a sustainable contribution to food security. This model business could help farmers and fishermen to promote their catch while engaging in safe fishing practices. Kharin et al. (2019) likewise denoted that digital technologies could help the long travel of merchandise to retailers through a sustainable practice concerning the society of the future.