
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 195-210 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 201 For a systematic review process performed in this study, the PRISMA framework (Selcuk, 2019) for data analysis was used as a research and analysis tool. The analysis of data comprised of searching and collecting secondary data from around literature to perform an in-depth analysis. The search engine ‘Google Scholar’ was used while setting the following parameters; 10 years of data from 2013 till 2023 and ‘review articles’ type. Given that this web search engine is a powerful academic metasearch tool (Hoseth, 2011), handy, free of charge and easily accessible, a plethora of articles and publications were obtained to compose a meta-scientific database. The systematic literature review can be conveniently subdivided into eight main steps as part of this methodology. Initially, the research statement is formulated which denotes the main topic to focus the research, followed by the creation and validation of a review protocol such as the PRISMA framework (Rethlefsen et al., 2021) to take into consideration what kind of related journal articles need to be reviewed and used in this study. After that, the critical part consists of determining inclusion and exclusion criteria, which would decide what kind of information is needed or not (Koym, 2022). Then, the literature search is performed using one or many search engines, search tools and/or search databases. The following search query was used as refined keywords: 1: ‘digital technologies’ AND ‘climate change adaptation’ AND ‘fisheries and aquaculture’, 2: ‘digital technologies’ AND ‘fisheries and aquaculture’, 3: ‘climate change’ AND ‘fisheries and aquaculture’, 4: ‘fisheries and aquaculture’ AND ‘digital technologies’. Data reliability refers to the duplication of study results using equal measuring instruments while data validity is the measurement of whether there is sufficient evidence or theory for the search topic (Chetwynd, 2022). A benchmark was set on the meta-scientific data obtained and was initially tabulated on an Excel sheet for an initial analysis while eliminating duplicate records. The inclusion criteria must be able to categorize research, be reliably interpreted, and reduce the volume of literature to a level that is manageable for the review. Even though not all methodological criteria must be used for screening, studies may be excluded (exclusion criteria) if they fail to meet any of them (Xiao and Watson, 2019). The final step is getting the collection of studies ready for extraction of related data and performing a synthesis as quality assessment, which acts as a refined sieve to polish the whole-text articles. The criteria's reasonableness and defiance ability are the most crucial factors at this stage. The collection of studies (Table 1) was viewed and analyzed within the inclusion criteria which need to treat all related issues about technological advancement of the fisheries and aquaculture sector. Other criteria could be the different tools used in the research. The exclusion criteria therefore treat all related issues about technology without addressing the climate change subject. Thus, after careful analysis and proofreading, the total number of research papers used in this study was reduced to 32. The following table drafts the titles of those papers, alongside their authors and the year in which they were published (Table 2). Table 1 First count of research papers obtained Search Number 1 2 3 4 Number of papers 17 30 28 16 Figure 1 demonstrates the number of years there has been interest for researchers to work in that field of study. There have been numerous studies published in year 2017 and 2020. The years 2021 and 2023 had the same number of research publications. It is expected that research will continue while the graph displays a linear projection curve which has a positive coefficient. Figure 2 describes the different types of papers available from the ‘Google Scholar’ meta-database. It is visible that there had been an interest in published journal articles rather than review articles. Nevertheless, only 5 conference papers were found compared to 12 and 15 review and article papers respectively. Figure 3 shows the different types of data used by researchers the main component of the data used is the theoretical component with 13 researchers, followed by review data with 10 researchers and finally, 9 researchers used quantitative data.