
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 195-210 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 196 Changes in climate and extreme weather events, like in many other areas of agriculture and food production, are having a considerable impact on the aquaculture and fisheries industries (Barange et al., 2018). Siddique et al. (2022) reported that Bangladesh's aquaculture industry was an example to showcase the sensitiveness of climate change whether inland or coastal towards fishery production. Coral reefs and mangrove forests, two of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth, can be found in this region. Climate change is altering the distribution and abundance of fish stocks, affecting the livelihoods of millions of people who depend on fisheries and aquaculture. Cyclones, hurricanes and other storms cause severe damage in southern Bangladesh. Flooding, saline intrusion into soil, waterlogging and erosion have all been exacerbated by increased rainfall. Furthermore, inland aquaculture costs are rising because of severe floods induced by increased rainfall and severe weather events. Equally, rising sea surface temperature is posing a climate-related hazard to coastal fisheries in Africa, as emphasized by Dismukes (2022). Climate change is exacerbating existing environmental and socio-economic challenges in this region. Changes in ocean temperatures and chemistry are impacting fisheries, while increased flooding and erosion are affecting aquaculture operations. Monnereau and Oxenford (2017) argued that increasing temperatures are destroying coastal habitats, changing the types of fish species accessible for fisheries and increasing the likelihood of storms affecting coastal towns. Alongside, rising sea levels, storm frequency and ocean acidification threaten the existence of tropical islands, threatening their crucial economies and livelihoods for many communities. Aquaculture irrevocably also includes the production of shellfish, crabs and seaweeds, which are valuable sources of human nourishment as well as molecular components for the pharmaceutical sector. According to the study's projection of current carbon emission rates, worldwide salmon production will decline by 3% by 2050 and by 14% by 2090, as studied by Holmyard (2021). The expected effects are mostly brought about by the direct effects of ocean warming on farmed species and the indirect effects of shifting forage fish stocks needed to make fishmeal and fish oil for aquafeed. The distribution of fish stocks and the structure of ecosystems would be greatly impacted by changing ocean currents and warming waters, according to the same study. Temperature variations in both the water and the air, particularly in marine environments, and other changes in oceanographic conditions, such as currents, wind speed, and waves, are indicators of how climate change affects aquaculture (Maulu et al., 2021). Extreme weather patterns which are occurring more frequently and with more ferocity have substantial implications, whether they result in storms that cause property damage or flood freshwater crops. Different physiological effects and pressures will have an impact on a fish's or shellfish's growth and development, which may make them more vulnerable to illnesses and infections. The emergence of novel illnesses and parasite infections worries veterinarians as well. The planned and ongoing development effort concerns for selective breeding of more robust strains, for higher temperature and disease tolerance, is anticipated. Norway, Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Netherlands, and China would be the nations most impacted by the worst-case scenario as has been projected (Holmyard, 2021). Alternatively, bivalve-producing regions might experience fewer changes since the effects of climate change on species like mussels, oysters, and clams are probably less severe. The construction of an optimal living environment and fish species reproduction depends on water temperature. This is why it ranks first on the list of most determining elements. During a specific period, a fish population may be tolerant of temperature variations in the region where it is spread. Important physiological processes like feeding, respiration, osmoregulation, growth, and reproduction are controlled by temperature (Ninawe et al., 2018). The world's changing climate, overfishing, and deteriorating water quality are threats to tropical coral reefs. Coral communities with high levels of genetic variation are probably the key factors in evolutionary adaptations to climate change. As described by Mustafa et al. (2021), the spectrum of activities that make up aquaculture of aquatic species, such as fish, molluscs, crustaceans, and aquatic plants, has been expanding with various levels of interventions. Through innovative ideas, farmers, scientists, customers, and businesspeople have influenced the various types of aquaculture systems. The rate of change that aquaculture will need to make to fulfil demand will be influenced by innovations and new technology.