
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 112-125 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 115 3.2 Ex situ conservation Ex situ conservation involves the preservation of algal germplasm outside their natural habitats. This strategy includes methods such as algal culture collections, seed banks, and botanical gardens. Ex situ conservation allows for the safe storage of genetic material, which can be used for research, breeding programs, and restoration projects, and provides a backup in case of catastrophic events that may wipe out natural populations. Macroalgal germplasm banking, for instance, is increasingly recognized for its potential in conservation and industry applications. These banks store genetic material from various algal species, ensuring that it remains available for future use in mariculture, biotechnology, and ecological restoration (Wade et al., 2020). Techniques such as slow growth cultures and the use of pollen and DNA banks are commonly employed in ex situ conservation (Priyanka et al., 2021), The development of germplasm repositories, which include frozen samples and genetic assessment systems, is also a key strategy for the conservation of endangered aquatic species (Liu et al., 2019). 3.3 Cryopreservation techniques Cryopreservation is a critical method for the long-term storage of algal germplasm. This technique involves freezing algal cells, spores, or tissues at extremely low temperatures (typically in liquid nitrogen at -196°C), effectively halting all biological activity and preserving the genetic material indefinitely. Cryopreservation is particularly valuable for preserving the genetic diversity of species that are difficult to maintain in culture collections. Cryopreservation has been proven to maintain the viability of algae samples for decades. Effectively preserving the viability and genetic integrity of various algal species, cryopreservation serves as a valuable tool for long-term conservation. Various cryopreservation protocols, such as controlled-rate cooling and vitrification, have been developed to optimize the survival rates of post-thaw samples. For instance, the cryopreservation of Saccharina latissima gametophytes using controlled-rate cooling methods combined with dimethyl sulfoxide has been reported to yield high viability (Visch et al., 2019), The use of cryotubes and straws for packaging germplasm samples is also common practice in cryopreservation studies (Yang et al., 2021). Visch et al. (2019) explored the effectiveness of cryopreserving male and female gametophytes of the brown alga (Saccharina latissima) using different cryoprotectants and cooling methods (Figure 2), The study compared the impacts of various cooling rates and cryoprotectant combinations on gametophyte viability, finding that controlled-rate cooling with 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) achieved the highest survival rates. Additionally, the study evaluated the trait performance and sporophyte development after revival, indicating that the cryopreserved gametophytes successfully developed into sporophytes. This confirms that cryopreservation is an effective method of preservation, providing technical support for the future development of biotechnology in brown algae. This technique is crucial for maintaining genetic diversity, supporting breeding programs, and managing wild populations, especially in scenarios where climate change could lead to the loss of potential genetic resources. 3.4 Legal and policy frameworks The conservation of algal germplasm is supported by various legal and policy frameworks that aim to protect biodiversity and promote sustainable use of genetic resources. International agreements, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), provide guidelines and commitments for the conservation of biological diversity, including algal species. National policies and regulations further reinforce these commitments by establishing protected areas, regulating access to genetic resources, and promoting conservation research. Effective implementation of these frameworks requires collaboration among governments, research institutions, and local communities to ensure that conservation strategies are both scientifically sound and socially equitable (Priyanka et al., 2021). The conservation of algal germplasm encompasses a range of strategies, from in situ and ex situ conservation to advanced cryopreservation techniques and robust legal frameworks. These combined efforts are essential for safeguarding algal biodiversity and ensuring the sustainable utilization of these critical genetic resources.