
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 139-153 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 147 weak resistance to these pathogens, particularly white spot disease, which is almost fatal. Overall, this figure highlights the innate immune mechanisms of Schizothoracine fish and their response to pathogen invasion, while also revealing the high mortality rates when facing white spot disease and saprolegniasis. This information is crucial for understanding the immune characteristics of Schizothoracine fish and developing measures to control their infectious diseases (Adapted from Tong et al., 2017). Figure 3 Immune characterizations of Schizothoracine fish (Adopted from Tong et al., 2017) Image caption: a Schematic diagrams of innate immunity and Toll-like receptor (TLR) signing pathway. Four PSGs are highlighted in TLR pathway. The fish innate immune response to pathogens invasion, four major families are involved. TLR = toll-like receptor; IL = interleukin; IRF = interferon regulatory factor; TNF = tumor necrosis factor. b The morality rates of two culprit infectious diseases in Schizothoracine fish (Adopted from Tong et al., 2017) 7 Applications and Implications 7.1 Conservation and management Understanding the mechanisms of adaptation in aquatic species has profound applications and implications for various fields, including conservation, aquaculture, fisheries management, and environmental science. This section discusses the importance of these applications and how they can help mitigate the impacts of environmental changes on aquatic ecosystems. Adaptation mechanisms in aquatic species are crucial for informing conservation strategies and management practices. Knowledge of how species adapt to changing environments can guide efforts to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem services. For instance, conservation strategies can be tailored to protect habitats that support the adaptive capacities of species, such as breeding grounds and migratory routes. The study of local adaptation is essential for effective conservation planning. For example, the research on Olympia oysters (Ostrea lurida) demonstrated local adaptation to low salinity events, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change. This information is critical for restoration efforts, as it suggests that sourcing oysters from populations adapted to similar environmental conditions can enhance the success of restoration projects (Bible and Sanford, 2016). Genomic tools can help identify populations that are genetically equipped to withstand environmental stressors. For instance, studies on redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) identified genomic regions associated with adaptation to thermal gradients. This knowledge can inform