
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 126-138 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 137 historical processes, while biogeographic studies show how species distributions are influenced by both historical and contemporary environmental factors. This integration helps elucidate mechanisms behind speciation, diversification, and extinction, providing a comprehensive view of biodiversity patterns across various habitats and taxonomic groups. Looking forward, future research should focus on enhancing phylogenetic resolution with genome-wide data, conducting studies across elevational and latitudinal gradients, and investigating biogeographic patterns across multiple taxonomic groups. It is also vital to integrate historical and contemporary factors to better understand species distributions and apply these insights to conservation strategies, especially in regions facing significant anthropogenic pressures. These efforts are crucial for developing a deeper understanding of the origins and dynamics of aquatic biodiversity and enhancing conservation and management strategies. Acknowledgments The authors extend our sincere thanks to two anonymous peer reviewers for their invaluable feedback on the manuscript of this paper. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Reference Borghezan E.D.A., Pires T.H.D.S., Ikeda T., Zuanon J., and Kohshima S., 2021, A review on fish sensory systems and amazon water types with implications to biodiversity, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 589760. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2020.589760 Cardoso Y P Jardim de Queiroz L Bahechar I A et al, Multilocus phylogeny and historical biogeography of Hypostomus shed light on the processes of fish diversification in La Plata Basin, Scientific Reports, 11(1): 5073. Chen I., Nishida S., Chou L., Tajima Y., Yang W., Isobe T., Yamada T., Hartman K., and Hoelzel A., 2018, Concordance between genetic diversity and marine biogeography in a highly mobile marine mammal the Risso's dolphin, Journal of Biogeography, 45: 2092 - 2103. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13360 Cohuo S., Macario-González L., Wagner S., Naumann K., Echeverría-Galindo P., Pérez L., Curtis J., Brenner M., and Schwalb A., Influence of late Quaternary climate on the biogeography of Neotropical aquatic species as reflected by non-marine ostracodes, Biogeosciences, 17(1): 145-161. Coiro M., Allio R., Mazet N., Seyfullah L., and Condamine F., 2023, Reconciling fossils with phylogenies reveals the origin and macroevolutionary processes explaining the global cycad biodiversity, The New Phytologist, 240(4): 1616-1635. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19010 Cowman P., Parravicini V., Kulbicki M., and Floeter S., 2017, The biogeography of tropical reef fishes: endemism and provinciality through time, Biological Reviews, 92(4): 2112-2130. https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.12323 Frota A., Morrone J.J., and Graça W.J., 2020, Evolutionary biogeography of the freshwater fish family Anablepidae (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes) a marine-derived Neotropical lineage, Organisms Diversity and Evolution, 20(3): 439-449. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13127-020-00444-1 García-Girón J., Múrria C., Arnedo M.A., Bonada N., Cañedo-Argüelles M., Derka T., Fernández-Calero J.M., Li Z.F., de Figueroa J.M.T., Xie Z.C., and Heino J., 2024, A time-calibrated ‘Tree of Life’of aquatic insects for knitting historical patterns of evolution and measuring extant phylogenetic biodiversity across the world, Earth-Science Reviews, 2024: 104767. Hammer M.P., Adams M., Unmack P.J., Hassell K.L., and Bertozzi T., 2021, Surprising Pseudogobius: molecular systematics of benthic gobies reveals new insights into estuarine biodiversity (Teleostei: Gobiiformes), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 160: 107140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107140 Holman L.E., Bruyn M., Creer S., Carvalho G., Robidart J., and Rius M., 2021, Animals protists and bacteria share marine biogeographic patterns, Nature Ecology and Evolution, 5(6): 738-746. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-021-01439-7 León L.F., Cornejo A., Gavilán R.G., and Aguilar C., 2020, Hidden biodiversity in Neotropical streams: DNA barcoding uncovers high endemicity of freshwater macroinvertebrates at small spatial scales, PLoS ONE, 15(8): e0231683. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0231683 Lo P.C., Liu S.H., Chao N.L., Nunoo F.K., Mok H.K., and Chen W.J., 2015, A multi-gene dataset reveals a tropical New World origin and Early Miocene diversification of croakers (Perciformes: Sciaenidae), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 88: 132-43 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2015.03.025