
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 126-138 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 133 and PI-6 suggest a resilient presence of endemic species during both the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and subsequent deglacial periods. Species distribution models, informed by the CCSM4 climate model, underscore the adaptability of these organisms to historical climate fluctuations. This research enhances our understanding of past biodiversity and the ecological responses of aquatic species to environmental changes in the region. 6.2 Molecular phylogenetics and genomics Molecular phylogenetics and genomics have revolutionized our understanding of aquatic biodiversity by providing detailed insights into the evolutionary relationships among species. Time-calibrated molecular phylogenies, coupled with ancestral biogeographic estimates, have been instrumental in examining the origins of coral reef fish biodiversity across the tropics (Cowman et al., 2017). These methods allow researchers to reconstruct the evolutionary history of species (Figure 3), identifying key diversification events and ancestral habitats. For example, molecular data have shown that most marine species are descended from marine ancestors, while most terrestrial species have freshwater origins (Román‐Palacios et al., 2022). This molecular evidence complements fossil data, offering a more comprehensive view of the evolutionary processes driving aquatic biodiversity. Figure 3 Fossil record of the period 53-10 and species niche modelling results for the last ∼ 22 kyr (representing last glacial maximum climate) for four ostracode species: Cypria petenensis, Paracythereis opesta, Cytheridella ilosvayi and Darwinula stevensoni (Adopted from Cohuo et al., 2020) Image caption: Fossil ostracode record from Lake Petén Itzá (a) Core PI-2 for the period 53-14 ka, (b) core PI-6 for the period 24-10 ka and (c) map showing the probability of species distributions based on the CCSM4 climate model (Adopted from Cohuo et al., 2020) 6.3 Integrating fossil and molecular evidence Integrating fossil and molecular evidence provides a holistic approach to studying the origins of aquatic biodiversity. By combining these data sources, researchers can cross-validate findings and gain a more nuanced understanding of historical biogeography and phylogenetic patterns. The integration of phylogenetic diversity with ancestral biogeographic estimation has shown how assemblage structure and tropical provinciality have changed over time, particularly in marine environments (Cowman et al., 2017). This combined approach helps to identify the relative contributions of historical and contemporary processes in shaping current biodiversity patterns. For