
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 112-125 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 118 Another successful initiative is the macroalgal germplasm banking program, which focuses on ex situ conservation of marine algae. This program aims to preserve the genetic diversity of macroalgal species by establishing seed banks and culture collections. The initiative not only supports biodiversity conservation but also facilitates research and industrial applications, including mariculture and biotechnological developments. The coordinated efforts in germline preservation of marine algal species via germplasm banking underscore the importance of maintaining genetic resources for future use (Wade et al., 2020). 5.2 Innovations in algal biotechnology Innovative approaches in algal biotechnology have significantly advanced the sustainable utilization of algal germplasm. One such innovation is the use of industrial wastewater for cultivating microalgae, as demonstrated by a pilot-scale study conducted at an industrial munition facility. The study employed open raceway ponds to cultivate a resilient consortium of green microalgae and cyanobacteria using wastewater, resulting in high biomass productivity and bioenergy potential. This approach not only valorizes industrial waste streams but also enhances the sustainability of algal biofuel production (Abraham et al., 2023). Abraham et al. (2023) discussed the feasibility of using industrial wastewater for cultivating microalgae to produce bioenergy. The study was conducted at an industrial ammunition facility using two 1000-liter open raceway ponds, with operational parameters such as temperature, pH, light intensity, and dissolved oxygen monitored through an online system (Figure 3), The experimental results demonstrated that the algal inoculum evolved into a weather-resistant consortium containing green microalgae and cyanobacteria. Under optimized experimental conditions, the average surface biomass productivity in summer reached 23.9±0.9 g/m²·d, with a bio-methane potential (BMP) of 350 scc/gVS, and an oil content of 22 wt.%. Additionally, techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment indicated that algae cultivation using wastewater is economically and environmentally feasible, contributing to the advancement of a circular bioeconomy model. The study showed that adjusting cultivation conditions and harvesting frequency can significantly enhance biomass productivity and bioenergy output, demonstrating the potential and prospects for the resource utilization of industrial wastewater. Figure 3 illustrates the experimental layout and system diagram for cultivating microalgae using industrial wastewater within a greenhouse at an industrial ammunition facility (Adapted from Abraham et al., 2023) Image caption: (a) A real-life photo of microalgae cultivation, showing two 1000-liter open raceway ponds situated inside the greenhouse. (b) A schematic diagram of the system layout, detailing the experimental equipment and processes. The system includes online monitoring devices for real-time recording of temperature, pH, light intensity, and dissolved oxygen changes. The photosynthesis within the ponds effectively utilizes natural light from the greenhouse environment, with regular additions of carbon dioxide and nutrients to maintain suitable cultivation conditions (Adapted from Abraham et al., 2023)