
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 51-61 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 54 non-resistant strains, demonstrating the presence and function of resistance genes. This figure shows that QTL mapping technology can effectively identify and select resistance genes, thereby enhancing the disease resistance of carp. This provides empirical support for the application of molecular breeding techniques in aquaculture. Figure 1 Differential appearance of general mortality and pathology between fish from the breeding and non-breeding strains. (Adopted from Jia et al., 2021) Image caption: (A) The PCR validation of the CyHV-3 virus genes TK and Sph. Lane 1-2 represents the negative control, and afterwards, lane 3-22 represents the result for tested 10 virus infected fish. (B) Comparison of daily mortality between the breeding and non-breeding strains. (C) The degree of swelling trunk kidney was limited in the survivors from the breeding strain (a) compared with the markedly enlarged trunk kidney observed in fish from the non-breeding strain (b). The arrow indicates the trunk kidney region. “**” means the very significant difference (p < 0.01) between current compared two groups (Adapted from Jia et al., 2021) 5 Genomic Selection (GS) 5.1 Overview of genomic selection Genomic Selection (GS) is a modern breeding technique that utilizes genome-wide genetic information to predict the breeding values of individuals. This method has gained attention in aquaculture due to its potential to enhance the accuracy of selection and accelerate genetic gains compared to traditional pedigree-based selection methods. GS involves the use of dense genetic markers spread across the genome to capture the genetic architecture of traits of interest, allowing for more precise selection of breeding candidates (Palaiokostas et al., 2018b; Palaiokostas et al., 2019).