
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 101-111 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 107 cost-effective alternative to traditional sampling methods. Furthermore, the integration of IoT technology with machine learning algorithms has enhanced data accuracy and reliability, addressing challenges such as sensor calibration and data loss (Narmadha et al., 2023). These advancements enable the creation of comprehensive monitoring systems that can inform environmental management and policy decisions. 6.3 Future directions in technological development Looking ahead, the future of aquatic ecosystem monitoring and management will likely be shaped by continued advancements in AI, IoT, and other emerging technologies. The development of integrated ecosystem assessments that synthesize physical, biological, and socioeconomic observations will provide a holistic understanding of ecosystem health and guide better management strategies. Additionally, the adoption of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) approaches, which consider changes in the physical environment and interactions between ecosystem elements, will further enhance our ability to manage marine resources sustainably (Schmidt et al., 2019) (Figure 3). The use of advanced diagnostic techniques, such as sequencing, biosensors, and CRISPR, will also play a crucial role in the early detection and monitoring of diseases in aquatic animals, improving aquaculture productivity and efficiency. As these technologies continue to evolve, their widespread adoption and integration into monitoring and management practices will be essential for the long-term conservation and sustainability of aquatic ecosystems. Figure 3 Impact of el niño events on skipjack and sardine catch volumes and import prices (Adopted from Schmidt et al., 2019) Image capton: Skipjack (A) and sardine catches (C) from 1992 to 2017 along the south east and south Brazilian coasts associated to SST average annual anomalies from virtual stations over the 50 m and 1000 isobaths. Skipjack (B) and sardine (D) import volumes and prices over the study period (Adopted from Schmidt et al., 2019) Schmidt et al. (2019) found that skipjack and sardine catches along the southeast and south Brazilian coasts are significantly influenced by sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, particularly during El Niño events. The study observed notable variations in catch volumes corresponding to positive and negative SST anomalies. For skipjack, both catch volumes and import prices have shown an increasing trend over the study period, indicating a possible link between market demand and environmental conditions. Similarly, sardine catches and import prices exhibited fluctuations in response to SST anomalies, with a general upward trend in prices over time. These findings highlight the critical impact of climatic events on fish populations and market dynamics, underscoring the importance of monitoring SST anomalies to predict and manage fisheries' productivity and economic outcomes effectively.