
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 101-111 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 104 integrates human, fish, and environmental health, has been applied to manage trace metal contamination in aquatic ecosystems. This approach uses statistical tools to identify contamination sources and pathways, assess health risks, and establish robust monitoring programs (Izah et al., 2023). 4.2 Challenges in integration Despite the successes, several challenges hinder the effective integration of technology and policy in aquatic ecosystem management. One significant challenge is the need for frequent sensor calibration and ensuring data accuracy in IoT-based monitoring systems. Sensor malfunction and data loss can also pose risks to the reliability of the monitoring data (Narmadha et al., 2023). Another challenge is the limited application of advanced biomonitoring approaches, such as the SPEcies At Risk of pesticides (SPEAR) index, in tropical regions, which restricts the global applicability of these methods (Sumudumali and Jayawardana, 2021). Furthermore, the complexity of integrating multiple biological communities into a single assessment framework can lead to uncertainties in the results, as seen in the integrated assessment of ecosystem health using multiple indicator species. The need for high-frequency monitoring and the alignment of manual sampling with automatic and remote sensing methods also present logistical and technical difficulties. 4.3 Best practices for effective integration To overcome these challenges and enhance the integration of technology and policy, several best practices can be adopted. First, incorporating redundancy in sensor systems and using machine learning algorithms for data analysis can improve the reliability and accuracy of IoT-based monitoring. Second, expanding the application of advanced biomonitoring approaches, such as the SPEAR index, to tropical regions can enhance the global applicability of these methods. Third, developing a comprehensive framework that integrates multiple biological communities and compensates for uncertainties in single-index assessments can provide a more holistic view of ecosystem health (Zhao et al., 2019). Additionally, adopting a holistic water monitoring approach that combines manual sampling, on-site automatic high-frequency monitoring, and remote sensing can facilitate more informed decision-making and adaptive water resource management (Yang and Zhang, 2019) (Figure 1). Finally, fostering collaboration between policymakers, scientists, and stakeholders is crucial for the successful implementation of integrated monitoring and management strategies. By addressing these challenges and adopting best practices, the integration of technology and policy can significantly improve the monitoring and management of aquatic ecosystem health, contributing to the sustainable development and conservation of these vital ecosystems. Figure 1 eDNA-based zooplankton integrity index and ecological status assessment (Adopted from Yang and Zhang et al., 2019) Image capton: (A) Correlation between eDNA zooplankton integrity and water quality. (B) Ecological status classified according to the metabarcoding zooplankton integrity index and the water quality index (Adopted from Yang and Zhang et al., 2019)