
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 81-90 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 88 8.2 Research gaps and opportunities Despite significant advancements, several research gaps remain. One notable gap is the limited understanding of the long-term effects of environmental stressors on largemouth bass. While short-term studies provide valuable insights, long-term studies are essential to fully comprehend the adaptive mechanisms and potential cumulative impacts of stressors such as ammonia and high-starch diets (Egnew et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2022). Moreover, there is a need for more research on the molecular mechanisms underlying endocrine disruption in largemouth bass. The study utilizing in silico computational transcriptomics identified potential endocrine disruptors and their effects on gene expression, but further validation and exploration of these findings are necessary to develop effective mitigation strategies (Basili et al., 2018). Opportunities also exist in the field of nutritional programming. The research on plant protein utilization highlighted the potential of early-life nutritional interventions to improve growth and dietary adaptation in largemouth bass (Schwepe et al., 2022). Expanding this research could lead to more efficient and sustainable aquaculture practices. 8.3 Emerging trends and innovations Emerging trends in this field include the use of omics technologies and computational models to study the complex interactions between environmental factors and fish physiology. The application of proteomics, as demonstrated in the study on environmental contaminants, allows for the identification of novel biomarkers and a deeper understanding of the physiological responses to pollutants (Sanchez et al., 2009). Similarly, the use of transcriptomics and dynamic modeling to study endocrine disruptors represents a significant innovation in understanding the molecular basis of environmental adaptation (Basili et al., 2018). Another promising trend is the focus on metabolic and nutritional adaptations. The research on high-starch diets and nutritional programming underscores the importance of diet in modulating physiological responses and growth in largemouth bass (Chen et al., 2022; Schwepe et al., 2022). These studies pave the way for developing tailored dietary strategies to enhance fish health and productivity. In conclusion, addressing the technical and methodological challenges, filling the research gaps, and leveraging emerging trends and innovations will be crucial for advancing our understanding of the genomic and developmental mechanisms underlying growth and environmental adaptation in largemouth bass. 9 Concluding Remarks The research on largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) has provided significant insights into the genomic and developmental mechanisms underlying their growth and environmental adaptation. Largemouth bass exhibit various physiological and molecular responses to high environmental ammonia (HEA). These responses include changes in oxygen consumption, ion regulation, and the expression of ammonia excreting genes, which help the fish adapt to long-term sub-lethal ammonia concentrations. Computational transcriptomics has identified novel endocrine disruptors, such as quercetin and tretinoin, which affect ovarian development by altering gene expression patterns linked to reproductive endpoints. Largemouth bass can adapt to high-starch diets through metabolic adjustments. Short-term exposure to high-starch diets induces metabolic disorders, but long-term exposure leads to metabolic adaptation via improved inflammatory responses, bile acid synthesis, and energy metabolism. The Dmrt1 gene plays a crucial role in sex determination and differentiation in largemouth bass, exhibiting sexually dimorphic expression patterns in gonads. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a significant role in regulating gene expression in response to hypoxic stress. Specific miRNAs and their target genes are involved in pathways that help largemouth bass cope with low oxygen levels. Genomic and developmental studies are crucial for understanding the complex mechanisms that enable largemouth bass to adapt to various environmental stressors. These studies provide valuable information on. Understanding how largemouth bass respond to environmental challenges, such as ammonia toxicity and hypoxia, can inform strategies to improve aquaculture practices and enhance fish survival and growth. Identifying endocrine disruptors and their effects on gene expression during ovarian development can help mitigate the impact of environmental chemicals on fish populations. Insights into how largemouth bass metabolically adapt to