
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 73-80 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 78 and algae meal have shown significant improvements in the fatty acid profiles of tilapia fillets, further research could investigate other sustainable and cost-effective sources of omega-3s, such as plant-based oils or genetically modified organisms (Stoneham et al., 2018). Additionally, the long-term effects of these dietary changes on fish health and consumer health benefits warrant further investigation. Studies could also explore the potential for enhancing other nutritional components, such as vitamins and minerals, through dietary supplementation (Reis et al., 2018). Figure 2 The correlation of risk and benefit assessment in aquaculture practice (Adopted from Arshad et al., 2022) Image caption: This figure illustrates the balance between the nutritional benefits and hazard risks associated with aquaculture, integrated into a comprehensive risk-benefit assessment framework. The left circle highlights the nutritional benefits from aquaculture products, including amino acids (Alanine, Tyrosine), PUFAs (EPA, DHA), vitamins (fat-soluble: A, D, E, K; water-soluble: B), and minerals (Potassium, Calcium). The right circle delineates the potential hazard risks: endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), antimicrobial drugs, microplastics, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heavy metals (Lead, Mercury). The intersection represents the integrated risk-benefit assessment, including net integrated risk and benefit, in-vitro bioaccessibility, and hazard quotient. The center image symbolizes aquaculture practice (Adapted from Arshad et al., 2022) 7.2 Technological innovations Technological advancements in feed formulation and processing could play a crucial role in optimizing the nutritional content of tilapia fillets. Innovations in feed technology, such as the development of microencapsulated nutrients, could improve the stability and bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids and other beneficial compounds in fish diets (Carbonera et al., 2016; Stoneham et al., 2018). Additionally, advancements in aquaculture systems, such as recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), could enhance the efficiency of nutrient uptake and reduce environmental impacts (Stoneham et al., 2018). The integration of precision feeding technologies, which tailor feed delivery to the specific needs of individual fish, could further optimize growth and nutritional outcomes (Stoneham et al., 2018). 7.3 Recommendations for industry practice For the aquaculture industry, adopting dietary strategies that enhance the omega-3 content of tilapia fillets can provide a competitive edge in the market. It is recommended that producers consider incorporating algae meal or fish oil into tilapia diets, as these have been shown to significantly improve the fatty acid profiles of the fillets (Stoneham et al., 2018). Additionally, the inclusion of carotenoids such as β-carotene, lutein, and lycopene can enhance the nutritional quality and stability of the fillets, even after cooking (Reis et al., 2018). Industry stakeholders should also invest in research and development to explore new feed ingredients and technologies that