
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-8 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 4 Figure 2 Bleached coral 2.2 Impact of ocean acidification on symbiotic algae Another issue caused by climate change is the acidification of seawater (Figure 3). The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration leads to a decrease in the concentration of carbonate ions (CO3 2-) in seawater, affecting the ocean's acid-base balance. Ocean acidification has a direct impact on the symbiotic algae of hard corals. Figure 3 Acidified seawater Symbiotic algae rely on CO3 2- in seawater to form their calcium carbonate skeletons, but ocean acidification makes this process more challenging. Additionally, acidified seawater affects the efficiency of photosynthesis in symbiotic algae, reducing their energy supply. This makes symbiotic algae more vulnerable to the high-temperature stress caused by climate change (Zhang et al., 2012). When seawater becomes both warmer and more acidic simultaneously, symbiotic algae are more susceptible to damage, consequently affecting hard corals. 2.3 Impact of storms, sea level rise, and other climate change factors In addition to the rise in sea temperatures and ocean acidification, climate change brings other threats, such as storms, sea level rise, and more frequent extreme weather events caused by climate change. Storms can cause physical damage to hard corals, disrupting their robust external skeletons. Furthermore, sea level rise results in larger waves and impacts on coral reef ecosystems, exacerbating the vulnerability of hard corals. Climate change also triggers more frequent coral bleaching events, leading to the disruption of the relationship between hard corals and symbiotic algae. Additionally, climate change affects water quality, leading to excessive nutrient input and coral reef degradation. This series of climate change factors collectively threatens the ecological relationship between hard corals and symbiotic algae, intensifying the crisis faced by tropical hard coral reefs.