
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 40-50 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 41 aquaculture industry, nutritionists, and policymakers in formulating strategies to improve the nutritional quality of aquaculture products and promote public health. 1 Fatty Acid Composition in Aquaculture Fish 1.1 Types of fatty acids found in aquaculture fish Aquaculture fish are known to contain a variety of fatty acids, which are crucial for both the fish's health and their nutritional value to humans. The primary types of fatty acids found in aquaculture fish include: 1) Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are essential for human health and have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases (Gladyshe et al., 2017; Innes and Calder, 2020). EPA and DHA are particularly abundant in marine fish species (Xie et al., 2017). 2) Omega-6 Fatty Acids: Arachidonic acid (ARA) is a significant omega-6 fatty acid found in aquaculture fish. It plays a crucial role in the growth and development of fish, especially in tropical species (Ogata et al., 2004). 3) Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA): These include palmitic acid, which is the most abundant fatty acid in many fish species (Jabeen and Chaudhry, 2011). 4) Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA): Besides omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, other PUFAs are also present in varying amounts depending on the species and their diet (Glencross, 2009; Tocher et al., 2010). 1.2 Factors influencing fatty acid composition in aquaculture fish The fatty acid composition in aquaculture fish is influenced by several factors, including species differences, diet and feed composition, environmental conditions, and farming practices. 1.2.1 Species differences Different fish species exhibit significant variations in their fatty acid profiles. For instance, species like Labeo rohita are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, while others like Cyprinus carpio are rich in saturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids (Jabeen and Chaudhry, 2011). Additionally, species such as Salvelinus boganidae and Salvelinus drjagini have been identified to have high EPA and DHA contents, making them particularly valuable for human consumption (Gladyshev et al., 2022). 1.2.2 Diet and feed composition The diet and feed composition play a critical role in determining the fatty acid profile of aquaculture fish. Fish that are fed diets rich in long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) tend to have higher levels of these beneficial fatty acids in their tissues (Glencross, 2009; Tocher, 2010). The use of alternative lipid sources, such as plant-derived oils, can alter the fatty acid composition, often reducing the levels of n-3 LC-PUFA in the fish (Glencross, 2009; Xie et al., 2017). 1.2.3 Environmental conditions Environmental factors, including the water temperature and salinity, can influence the fatty acid composition of fish. For example, marine fish generally have higher requirements for long-chain PUFAs compared to freshwater species (Tocher, 2010). Additionally, fish from colder environments tend to have higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids to maintain membrane fluidity (ladyshev et al., 2017). 1.2.4 Farming practices Farming practices, including the methods of rearing and the type of aquaculture system used, can also impact the fatty acid composition of fish. For instance, fish reared in controlled aquaculture environments may have different fatty acid profiles compared to their wild counterparts due to differences in diet and living conditions (Gladyshev et al., 2022). Sustainable farming practices that incorporate high-nutrient-density diets are essential to maintain the nutritional quality of farmed fish (Tocher, 2010).