
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 37-39 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 39 Figure 4 Wnt5b-Ror2-expressing clones activate paracrine JNK signalling 4 Unveiling Wnt5b-Ror2 Cytoneme Transport:A Paradigm Shift in Embryonic Development and Aquaculture Efficiency The important finding of this study is the efficient transport of Wnt5b and Ror2 complexes from producer cells to recipient cells via cytonemes. In aquaculture, understanding the mechanisms of embryonic development and intercellular signaling can optimize the culture environment and improve culture efficiency. This mechanism breaks the traditional concept of paracrine signaling and shows that signaling molecules can be precisely delivered through cell protrusions to activate the Wnt-PCP signaling pathway in target cells, even if the receiving cells lack functional Ror2 receptors. This finding reveals a critical role for Wnt5b-Ror2 in embryonic development, particularly in cell migration and tissue polarity, provides new insights into understanding the trafficking of signaling molecules in complex tissues, and may have implications for reassessing intercellular communication mechanisms. of great significance. 5 Original Text Reading Scholpp S., Zhang C.T., Brunt L., Ono Y., and Rogers S., 2023, Cytoneme-mediated transport of active Wnt5b-Ror2 complexes in zebrafish, Nature, 625: 126-133 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06850-7 Acknowledgments We sincerely thank “Nature” magazine for providing us with a publishing platform so that this research can be shared with the scientific community. Special thanks to Steffen Scholpp and others for their outstanding contributions. I would like to express my deep apology if my review deviates from the intention of the original author team due to different perspectives of understanding. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.