
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-8 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 1 Review and Progress Open Access Biochemical Adaptability of the Relationship between Tropical Hard Corals and Photosynthetic Symbiotic Algae under Climate Change Xuesong Yang Zhuji Anhan Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Zhuji, 311800, Zhejiang, China Corresponding email: 2984078657@qq.com International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1 doi: 10.5376/ija.2024.14.0001 Received: 01 Nov., 2023 Accepted: 10 Dec., 2023 Published: 01 Jan., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Yang, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Yang X.S., 2024, Biochemical adaptability of the relationship between tropical hard corals and photosynthetic symbiotic algae under climate change, International Journal of Aquaculture, 14(1): 1-8 (doi: 10.5376/ija.2024.14.0001) Abstract Tropical coral reefs, a vital component of the global marine ecosystem, are currently under threat from climate change factors such as rising temperatures, ocean acidification, and extreme weather events. High temperatures induce coral bleaching, resulting in the loss of their energy supply and an acceleration of metabolic rates, rendering them more vulnerable. Ocean acidification affects the formation of calcium carbonate skeletons in symbiotic algae and decreases photosynthetic efficiency, further exacerbating the risk of damage to the symbiotic algae in high-temperature conditions. Extreme weather events directly cause physical damage to corals and alter marine environments, reducing their chances of survival. This review focuses on the impact of climate change on the biochemical adaptability between tropical hard corals and photosynthetic symbiotic algae, exploring their ecological relationship, the influence of climate change on this relationship, and the adaptive mechanisms. Understanding the adaptive mechanisms between hard corals and symbiotic algae is crucial for developing conservation strategies and management plans to maintain the functionality and biodiversity of coral reef ecosystems. It also aids in ensuring the survival and prosperity of this delicate relationship under the challenges posed by climate change, allowing future generations to continue enjoying the magnificence of tropical coral reefs. Keywords Tropical hard corals; Photosynthetic symbiotic algae; Climate change; Biochemical adaptability; Marine conservation Tropical hard corals are the core components of coral reef ecosystems, providing shelter and ecosystem services to numerous organisms. They are also crucial factors for the biodiversity and productivity of global marine ecosystems. However, hard corals do not exist in isolation, their relationship with symbiotic algae is the ecological foundation of coral reefs. This symbiotic relationship is unique and delicate: corals offer habitat and protection to algae, while algae, through photosynthesis, provide energy and organic matter to corals (He et al., 2022). This mutualistic association supports the prosperity of hard coral reefs but also renders them highly sensitive to environmental changes. Before understanding the impacts of climate change on tropical hard corals and their symbiotic algae, it is essential to recognize the widespread threats posed by climate change to tropical marine ecosystems. Global temperature rise leads to elevated sea temperatures, acidified seawater conditions, and more frequent and intense storm events. This series of climate changes affects coral reef ecosystems, disrupting the stable relationship between hard corals and symbiotic algae, jeopardizing the survival of tropical hard coral reefs. Therefore, the biochemical adaptive mechanisms between hard corals and symbiotic algae are crucial for addressing the challenges of climate change (Petrou et al., 2021). This relationship is not only vital for the survival of hard coral reefs but also has profound effects on the biodiversity and productivity of global marine ecosystems. Current research progress indicates a severe threat to the relationship between hard corals and symbiotic algae due to climate change. High temperatures cause coral bleaching, this phenomenon directly harming their health and depriving them of necessary energy supplies, accelerating metabolism, and increasing vulnerability. Ocean acidification has a direct negative impact on the formation of the calcium carbonate skeleton of symbiotic algae and the efficiency of photosynthesis, further exacerbating the damaged risk of symbiotic algae under high-temperature conditions. Additionally, extreme weather events such as storms cause direct physical damage to hard corals, disrupting the marine environment and reducing their chances of survival.