
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 29-36 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 35 aspects of their growth and reproduction. These ecological features endow algae with unique potential for application in water quality monitoring (Si et al., 2023). In-depth understanding of how algae respond to pollutants, temperature changes, and other factors allows researchers to interpret these characteristics more accurately in aquatic environments, providing a finer basis for the biological indication role of algae. The potential value of algae in water health monitoring lies not only in their sensitivity to pollutants but also in their key role in the aquatic food web, offering a sensitive and comprehensive indication of the overall health of aquatic ecosystems. The continuous development of modern technology presents unprecedented opportunities for algae monitoring. Advances in molecular biology techniques enable more precise classification and identification of algae, offering more efficient means for water monitoring (Bhatt et al., 2022). Simultaneously, the application of remote sensing technology makes it possible to monitor large water bodies, providing a broader coverage for monitoring efforts. Under the impetus of this technology, algae monitoring is evolving from traditional field surveys to a multi-level monitoring system that combines laboratory research with modern technological approaches. The application of big data and artificial intelligence facilitates the processing of massive data, allowing algae monitoring to better integrate into the global water quality monitoring network. Despite significant achievements in targeted research, there are still limitations in the current studies. For instance, methods for accurate identification of algae in mixed communities are not mature enough and require further improvement and optimization. Additionally, the challenges in data collection, especially in complex water bodies and harsh environmental conditions, need to be addressed. Future research should focus on the dynamic study of algal communities, the application of algal biomarkers in climate change, and the forward-looking role of algal monitoring in ecosystem management. The dynamic study of algal communities can better reveal the evolution of algae under different seasons and water conditions, providing a basis for more accurate monitoring. The application of algal biomarkers in climate change is an emerging field, where research can explore how algae respond to climate change and the potential impact of this response on water body health. Furthermore, incorporating algal monitoring into forward-looking studies on ecosystem management will contribute to better maintaining the ecological balance of water bodies, providing more effective means for the protection and management of aquatic ecosystems. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Ahmad A., Banat F., Alsafar H., and Hasan S.W., 2022, Algae biotechnology for industrial wastewater treatment, bioenergy production, and high-value bioproducts, Science of The Total Environment, 806: 150585. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150585 Bhatt P., Bhandari G., Turco R.F., Aminikhoei Z., Bhatt K., and Simsek H., 2022, Algae in wastewater treatment, mechanism, and application of biomass for production of value-added product, Environmental Pollution, 309: 119688. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119688 Chen J.J., Yin G.F., Zhao N.J., Zhang X.L., Gan T.T., Chen M., Qi P.L., Ding Z.C., Gu M.Y., Wang X., Dong M., Hua H., and Wang L., 2023, Experimental analysis of illumination and temperature of algae culture in water toxicity detection by photosynthesis inhibition method, Daqi yu Huanjing Guangxue Xuebao (Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics), 18(2): 133-140. Hu G.Q., 2023, Analysis of algae community structure in Jihongtan Reservoir, Shaanxi Shuili (Shaanxi Water Resources), 3: 75-77. Huang Y.L., Cui J.Y., Chen S.X., and Zhang H.P., 2023, Modeling of pH values for lakes and/or reservoirs based on the influence of algal activity, Jingshui Jishu (Water Purification Technology), 42(5): 51-59, 67. Koch C.W., Cooper L.W., Lalande C., Brown T.A., Frey K.E., and Grebmeier J.M., 2020, Seasonal and latitudinal variations in sea ice algae deposition in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas determined by algal biomarkers, PLoS One, 15(4): e0231178. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0231178 Li C.J., Xu H,, Zhan X,, Zhang Z.H., Zhu M.Y., Zou W., Xiao M., Ni Z.Y., and Zhu H., 2023, Influence of denitrification on cyanobacterial blooms trends in Lake Taihu, China, Huanjing Kexue (Environmental Science), 44(9): 4977-4984.