
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 29-36 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 34 The role of modern technology in algal monitoring is becoming increasingly prominent. Advances in molecular biology techniques, such as DNA sequencing, have made rapid identification and classification of algae possible. Simultaneously, the application of remote sensing technology has turned large-scale, high-frequency water monitoring into a reality, providing convenience for the field monitoring of algal biomarkers. The utilization of these modern technologies offers a more comprehensive and efficient means for water quality monitoring, enhancing the effectiveness of algal biomarkers in practical monitoring efforts. 3.2 Application of algal biomarkers in different types of water bodies The application of algal biomarkers in water quality monitoring is not limited to specific types of water bodies but demonstrates strong versatility. In different water bodies such as rivers, lakes, coastal areas, etc., the application of algal biomarkers shows both similarities and differences. In rivers, the distribution of algae may exhibit spatial heterogeneity due to the fast flow of water, impacting the indication effectiveness of certain algae species sensitive to flow velocity (Yin and Li, 2023). As lakes are relatively enclosed water bodies, algae biomarkers are more susceptible to the accumulation of pollutants here (Huang et al., 2023), so the application of algae in lake water quality monitoring is particularly important. In coastal areas influenced by tides and currents, the dynamic changes in algal communities are more complex. The composition of algal communities may vary significantly with different seasons and tidal states, requiring monitoring that considers both spatial and temporal characteristics. The influence of different water body characteristics on algal biomarkers needs to be thoroughly investigated in specific environments to optimize monitoring strategies. The widespread adoption of algal biomarkers in large-scale water quality monitoring is crucial for improving monitoring efficiency. Validating and comparing the applicability of algal biomarkers in different water bodies allows researchers to establish universal monitoring indicators and methods. This approach facilitates rapid monitoring of a broader range of water bodies. This promotion not only enhances monitoring coverage but also provides general technical support for water quality management in different regions and types of water bodies. 3.3 Future development directions of algal biomarkers There are still many directions for expanding and optimizing the application of algal biomarkers in water quality monitoring. Technological innovation is expected to play a crucial role in driving advancements in algal monitoring in the future. With continuous developments in molecular biology, remote sensing technology, and other fields, laboratories will have access to more efficient and precise technical tools for the identification and monitoring of algae, thereby enhancing monitoring accuracy and reliability. The application of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) is also anticipated to bring new breakthroughs to algal monitoring. Through deep learning and pattern recognition applied to extensive monitoring data, researchers can better understand the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of algae, promptly identify anomalies, and provide more intelligent support for water quality management. The prospects of algal biomarkers in the global water quality monitoring system are promising. As awareness of the importance of water environmental protection increases, algal monitoring is poised to become a vital component of water quality monitoring. Strengthening international cooperation, establishing a global water quality monitoring network, and facilitating the sharing and comparison of algal biomarkers can better address water quality challenges on a global scale, safeguarding humanity's shared water resources. 4 Summary and Outlook The diversity of algal biomarkers plays an irreplaceable role in water quality monitoring. The rich diversity of algae not only reflects the ecological complexity of water bodies but also provides more comprehensive information for monitoring. From Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta to Phaeophyta, various algae exhibit significant differences in their response mechanisms and adaptability to the environment. As biological indicators, the ecological adaptability and potential applications of algae are crucial focal points of research. The response mechanisms of algae to environmental factors, including pollution, temperature, and light, involve multiple