
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 29-36 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 33 2.3 Cooperative interactions in diverse algal communities Diverse algal communities in aquatic environments may exhibit complex cooperative interactions. Algal species from different functional groups may influence each other through mechanisms such as competition, symbiosis, and resource conversion, thereby forming a relatively balanced ecosystem in the water. Interaction mechanisms within algal communities include symbiotic relationships, competitive interactions, and resource transformation. For instance, in some freshwater lakes, a symbiotic relationship exists between diatoms and green algae. Diatoms, through photosynthesis, produce oxygen, increasing the oxygen content in the water and providing a more suitable environment for the survival of green algae. Conversely, green algae, by absorbing carbon dioxide, promote eutrophication in the water, creating a more suitable living environment for diatoms. The cooperative interactions within these diverse algal communities are crucial for the stability and ecological balance of water bodies. By delving into the relationships between different algal species, researchers can better understand the operational mechanisms of ecosystems in aquatic environments, providing a scientific basis for water management and ecological conservation. Understanding these cooperative interactions also aids in predicting and mitigating threats faced by aquatic ecosystems, contributing to the better preservation of water body health and sustainability. 3 Application of Algal Biomarkers in Water Quality Monitoring 3.1 Integration of laboratory research and field monitoring In the field of water quality monitoring, the integration of laboratory research and field monitoring is a crucial element driving the application of algal biomarkers. Algal studies under laboratory conditions provide researchers with opportunities to gain in-depth insights into algal physiological characteristics, ecological adaptability, and more. Through laboratory cultivation, researchers can observe the growth of algae under the influence of different pollutants, thereby inferring the degree of pollution in water bodies. The practical application of this laboratory research plays a significant role in developing water quality monitoring schemes, assessing the degree of water pollution, and more. Simultaneously, field monitoring, involving the observation and sampling of algal communities in natural environments, provides data under real water conditions. Through field monitoring, researchers can better understand the distribution of algae, community structure, and their relationship with environmental changes in natural water bodies (Figure 3). The combination of field monitoring and laboratory research allows researchers to validate the reliability of laboratory results in actual water environments, ensuring the accuracy and comparability of monitoring data. Figure 3 The production, flux and fate of HBIs in the Pacific Arctic at different latitudes (Koch et al., 2020)