
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 20-28 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 27 The challenges in ecosystem protection and biodiversity mainly include the following points. Overfishing and unreasonable fishery development may lead to the depletion of fishery resources and the destruction of ecosystems, thereby affecting the survival and reproduction of other biological populations. Fisheries activities may cause damage to marine habitats, including important ecosystems such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, and wetlands, thereby affecting the survival and reproduction of related biological populations (Kyriazi et al., 2023). In addition, factors such as climate change and marine pollution can also have negative impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity, exacerbating the challenges of fisheries management. However, ecosystem conservation and biodiversity also bring some opportunities. Strengthening fishery management and protecting ecosystems can improve the stability and sustainability of fishery resources, and promote the long-term development of fisheries. Protecting ecosystems and maintaining biodiversity helps to maintain marine ecological balance, promote the healthy development of marine ecosystems, and provide more stable and abundant resources for fisheries (Figure 1). Ecosystem protection and biodiversity also provide certain limitations and constraints for fisheries development, promoting the development of fisheries towards a more sustainable direction and promoting the scientific and refined management of fisheries. Figure 1 The catalytic role of marine biodiversity in sustainable fisheries (Kyriazi et al., 2023) 5 Summary and Outlook Implementing effective fishery management strategies is crucial for protecting the marine ecological environment, maintaining sustainable utilization of fishery resources, and promoting economic prosperity in coastal communities. The collection and utilization of scientific data and information are the foundation for developing effective management strategies. By monitoring and evaluating fishery resources, ecosystems, and activities, managers can more accurately understand the status and trends of fishery resources, and thus develop targeted management measures. Effective fisheries management requires scientific and refined policies. Management policies should be based on science, taking into account the interests of fishery practitioners and the needs of socio-economic development, and formulating reasonable management policies and measures. In addition, strengthening cooperation and coordination is also key to implementing effective fisheries management. The management of fishery resources involves the balance and coordination of multiple interests, requiring active participation from all relevant parties, strengthening cooperation, forming consensus and joint action. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global development agenda aimed at addressing various challenges faced globally, with SDG 14 focusing on "protecting, restoring, and sustainably utilizing oceans and marine resources". SDGs have had a profound impact on fisheries management, providing important guidance and support for the sustainable development of fisheries by setting clear goals and action plans. SDGs aim to promote coordinated development of the economy, society, and environment, including specific goals regarding the protection of the oceans and marine resources. Therefore, fisheries management needs to be consistent with SDGs, integrating the concept of sustainable development into all aspects of fisheries management, promoting the sustainable use of fisheries resources, maintaining the health of marine ecosystems, and protecting the rights and interests of fishermen (Liu, 2024). Innovation and cooperation will become the key to promoting sustainable development of fisheries. The application of innovative technologies and methods will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of fisheries