
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 20-28 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 26 compliance and enforcement challenges are important aspects. Compliance refers to whether fishery practitioners comply with fishery management policies and regulations, while enforcement challenges involve how management agencies effectively supervise and implement these policies and regulations. The challenge of compliance lies in the fact that fishing activities typically occur in open marine environments, making regulation and enforcement difficult. Fishing vessels have a wide range of operations and often cross the waters of different countries, therefore, strengthening international cooperation is necessary for the regulation and coordination of cross-border fishing activities. At the same time, fishing practitioners may engage in illegal fishing, unreported and unregulated fishing activities, which pose challenges to compliance regulation. The main difficulty in law enforcement is reflected in the insufficient supervision and enforcement capabilities of regulatory agencies. Fisheries law enforcement requires sufficient manpower, material resources, and technical support, but many developing countries have weak fisheries law enforcement capabilities, resulting in ineffective enforcement actions. In addition, there may be bribery, corruption, and conflicts of interest with fisheries practitioners during the law enforcement process, which can weaken the credibility and effectiveness of law enforcement. However, compliance and enforcement challenges also bring some opportunities and solutions. Strengthening international cooperation is an important way to address the regulatory issues of cross-border fishing activities. Establishing multinational fisheries management organizations, strengthening information sharing and cooperative law enforcement can effectively reduce illegal and unreported fishing. By utilizing modern technologies and regulatory measures such as satellite remote sensing and intelligent monitoring systems, the efficiency and accuracy of fisheries law enforcement can be improved, and real-time monitoring and tracking of fishing vessel behavior can be achieved. 4.2 Impact of climate change Implementing effective fisheries management is currently facing a series of challenges and opportunities brought about by climate change. The impact of climate change on fishery resources is multifaceted, including rising ocean temperatures, ocean acidification, and an increase in extreme weather events, all of which directly or indirectly affect the distribution, growth, reproduction, and quantity of fishery resources. The challenges posed by climate change to fisheries mainly manifest in the following aspects. The increase in temperature leads to changes in the marine ecosystem, which may cause the migration or reduction of some important fishery resources, thereby affecting the stability and reliability of fishery production. Ocean acidification may also have adverse effects on the survival and reproduction of some marine organisms, further exacerbating the reduction of fishery resources. In addition, the increase in extreme weather events such as storms and hurricanes may lead to damage to fishing vessels and facilities, thereby affecting fishing production and the livelihoods of fishermen (Talbot et al., 2024). However, climate change has also brought some opportunities to fisheries management. The impact of climate change has prompted fisheries managers to pay more attention to the sustainability of fishery resources and the stability of ecosystems, strengthen scientific research and monitoring of fishery resources, and promote the scientific and refined management measures of fisheries. Some climate change may lead to the migration or increase of marine biological resources, providing new opportunities and challenges for fishery production. Managers can better utilize and protect these resources by adjusting fishery development methods and resource management measures. 4.3 Ecosystem protection and biodiversity Implementing effective fisheries management faces a series of challenges and opportunities in ecosystem protection and biodiversity. Fishery activities have direct and indirect impacts on marine ecosystems and biodiversity, therefore protecting ecosystems and maintaining biodiversity is one of the important goals of fisheries management.