
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 20-28 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 25 Fisheries subsidies are a common economic incentive measure aimed at reducing the economic burden on fishermen and increasing their enthusiasm for participating in fisheries management. These subsidies can include direct cash subsidies, subsidies for oil crops, fishing gear, and ships, as well as indirect tax reductions and loan interest rate incentives. By providing subsidies, the government can encourage fishermen to adopt sustainable fisheries management measures, such as quota fishing, protected area management, and gear renewal, in order to achieve long-term sustainable utilization of fishery resources (Yulisti et al., 2024). The shaping of the fishery market mechanism is also an important economic incentive measure. Through price policies, market access restrictions, trade tariffs, and other means, the government can influence the prices and market demand of fishery products, thereby guiding the behavior of fishermen. For example, increasing the prices of fish products for sustainable fishing and reducing the demand for overfished species can incentivize fishermen to shift towards sustainable fishing methods, enhance awareness and management efficiency of fishery resources. The allocation of rights and responsibilities in fisheries management is also an economic incentive measure. By establishing systems such as fishing rights, fishery management rights, and fishery law enforcement responsibilities, the government can incentivize fishermen to make reasonable use of fishery resources and punish violations. For example, implementing a fishery quota system and a fishing permit system can limit the development of fishery resources, encourage fishermen to adopt sustainable fishing behaviors, and punish illegal fishing to ensure the sustainable utilization of fishery resources. 3.3 Policies and governance mechanisms In fisheries management, socio-economic factors are closely related to policy governance mechanisms and have a significant impact on the sustainable utilization of fisheries resources and the healthy development of communities. Policy and governance mechanisms play a guiding, supervisory, and coordinating role in fisheries management, aiming to balance economic interests in fisheries, social equity, and ecological environment protection. The fishery policy formulated by the government is an important factor affecting the socio-economic development of fisheries. Fisheries policies involve multiple aspects such as resource management, fishing quotas, licensing systems, vessel registration, and subsidy policies. For example, by establishing fishing quotas, establishing fishing permit systems, and implementing fishing vessel registration systems, the government can control the development and utilization of fishery resources, prevent overfishing and resource waste, and ensure the sustainable development of the fishery. The establishment and operation of governance mechanisms are key to fisheries management. The governance mechanism includes collaboration and coordination among fisheries management agencies, supervisory departments, scientific research institutions, fisheries associations, and other parties. These institutions are responsible for supervising fishing activities, formulating fishing management rules, providing technical support and training, and promoting the standardization and modernization of fishing production. An effective governance mechanism can ensure the rational utilization of fishery resources, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of fishery practitioners, and protect the health of the fishery ecological environment (Rodriguez-Perez et al., 2023). The government can also guide and promote the sustainable development of fisheries through economic incentive measures. For example, providing economic incentives such as fishery subsidies, loan support, and tax incentives, encouraging fishermen to adopt eco-friendly fishing methods, invest in advanced fishery equipment, and participate in activities such as fishery resource protection and management. These measures can not only promote the economic benefits of the fishing industry, but also promote its sustainable development, achieving a win-win situation for the economy, society, and environment. 4 Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing Effective Fisheries Management 4.1 Compliance and enforcement challenges Implementing effective fisheries management faces a series of challenges and opportunities, among which