
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 20-28 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 24 such as selective fishing equipment and fishing tools that avoid damaging benthic ecosystems. These innovative fishing gear can effectively reduce the capture of non target species, reduce the impact of fishing on ecosystems, and promote the sustainable utilization of fishery resources. Another innovative approach is to reduce the technology of bycatch. Bycatch refers to the unintentional capture of other fish, marine organisms, or benthic species while capturing the target species. In order to reduce the number and impact of bycatch, researchers have developed a series of technologies and methods, such as selective fishing gear, escape windows, and improved fishing net design. These innovative methods can improve the efficiency of fishery resource utilization, reduce resource waste, and reduce the impact on non target species, promoting sustainable development of the fishery. The use of modern technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data analysis, and blockchain has also provided new solutions for fisheries management. Through AI technology, managers can monitor and analyze the movement trajectory and fishing activities of fishing vessels in real-time, identify possible illegal fishing behaviors, and take corresponding regulatory measures in a timely manner. Big data analysis can help managers better understand the changing trends and driving factors of fishery resources, thereby formulating more precise and effective management strategies. Blockchain technology can achieve transparency and traceability in the supply chain of fishery products, improve the quality and safety of fishery products, and promote sustainable development of fisheries. 3 Socio-economic Factors and Fishery Management 3.1 The impact of fisheries on communities The impact of fisheries on communities is an important socio-economic factor in fisheries management, which directly relates to the economic, social, and cultural development of coastal communities. Fisheries, as one of the main economic sources for many coastal communities, have a multifaceted impact on these communities. Fisheries provide employment opportunities for coastal communities. Many residents in coastal communities rely on fishing to engage in related industries such as fishing, processing, and transportation. These jobs not only provide a stable source of income, but also create employment opportunities, supporting the livelihoods and economic activities of the community. Fisheries play an important role in promoting the economic development of communities. The development of the fishery industry chain has driven the development of related industries and service industries, such as fishery processing, transportation, sales, etc., forming a complete fishery industry system. This not only promotes the diversification and prosperity of the local economy, but also provides more employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for community residents. Fisheries also have a profound impact on the culture and social structure of communities. Many coastal communities have a long tradition of fishermen and fishing culture, and fishermen inherit rich fishing knowledge and skills, which have become a part of the community. Fishery activities also promote interaction and cooperation among community residents, forming close social connections and a sense of community. However, the impact of fisheries on communities also faces some challenges and issues. Overfishing and unreasonable fishery development may lead to the depletion of fishery resources and the deterioration of the ecological environment, thereby affecting the economy and livelihoods of communities. Fishery activities may also have some negative impacts, such as pollution from fishing boats, port traffic congestion, insufficient fishing port facilities, etc., which bring a certain degree of pressure and burden to the community environment and life. 3.2 Economic incentive measures In fisheries management, economic incentives are widely applied to influence and guide fishing activities, promoting the development of sustainable fisheries. These economic incentive measures are a crucial part of the interaction between socio-economic factors and fishery management, and their design and implementation directly affect the utilization of fishery resources and the behavior of fishery activities.