
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 20-28 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 23 grounds, and provide scientific basis for fisheries management. For example, by analyzing the movement trajectory and behavior patterns of fishing vessels, management agencies can identify potential IUU fishing behaviors and take corresponding enforcement measures. Near shore monitoring technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are also being used in fisheries management. These devices can perform high-precision monitoring work in specific sea areas, collect detailed information about fishing activities and marine ecological environment, support the supervision of marine protected areas and biodiversity conservation work. Mangrove forests are an important component of marine ecosystems and are crucial for the protection of marine biodiversity and the sustainable utilization of fishery resources. Wang et al. (2020) estimated the biomass of mangroves in the northeast of Hainan Island, China, by combining field plots, unmanned aerial vehicle LiDAR (UAV LiDAR) strip data, and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in their study. 2.2 Data analysis and model prediction In the technological support of fishery management strategies, data analysis and model prediction play a crucial role in providing scientific basis and decision-making support for the sustainable management of fishery resources. The development of this field enables managers to have a more accurate understanding of the status, trends, and dynamic changes of fishery resources, and to develop corresponding management measures based on this information. Data analysis is the process of processing and interpreting data related to marine environment and fishery resources, including data from marine biology, ecology, fishery statistics, and other fields. By conducting statistical analysis, spatial analysis, and time series analysis on these data, managers can identify the changing patterns, key driving factors, potential risks, and challenges of fishery resources. Zhang and Lu (2018) explored how to improve the ecological environment, reduce natural disasters, and enhance the sustainable utilization of fishery resources by optimizing the allocation of protective forest models in coastal areas of China. Model prediction is a mathematical model established based on existing data and theoretical knowledge, which simulates and predicts the future trends and effects of fishery resource changes. These models can be population dynamics models, ecosystem models, fishery economic models, etc., used to predict the population dynamics, catch, fishery returns, etc. of fishery resources. For example, with the help of population dynamics models, the impact of different fishing amounts and management measures on fishery resources can be simulated, providing scientific basis for the formulation of sustainable fishing quotas and protection policies (Zhang et al., 2017). The combination of data analysis and model prediction provides a powerful decision support tool for fisheries management. They can not only help managers better understand the complexity and uncertainty of fishery systems, but also evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of different management measures, providing scientific basis for achieving sustainable utilization of fishery resources. However, to fully leverage the role of data analysis and model prediction, it is necessary to continuously improve data quality, refine model methods, and strengthen the integration with fisheries practices to ensure effective integration between scientific research and management practices. 2.3 Innovative fishing tools and methods The application of innovative fishing tools and methods plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable fishing practices in the technological support of fisheries management strategies. These tools and methods involve fields such as technology, engineering, and management, aimed at improving the efficiency of fishery resource utilization, reducing losses and environmental impacts, and promoting the economic sustainability and social responsibility of fisheries. An innovative fishing tool is the design of eco-friendly fishing gear. Traditional fishing tools, such as trawls and seines, may cause damage to marine ecosystems, capturing large numbers of non target species and benthic organisms. Therefore, researchers and engineers are committed to developing new types of fishing gear designs,