
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 20-28 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 22 The key to the success of international fisheries management strategies lies in international cooperation and compliance. By sharing data, best practices, and technical support, countries can coordinate their management efforts to address the challenges of cross-border fisheries resources. However, the effective implementation of these international strategies is often constrained by the political will of member countries, the compatibility of laws and systems, and the unequal regulatory capacity. Therefore, enhancing the execution of international strategies, ensuring active participation and cooperation among all stakeholders, and strengthening supervision and enforcement mechanisms are key challenges in achieving sustainable fisheries goals. 1.3 Case analysis of cross-border cooperation In the global perspective of sustainable fisheries, cross-border cooperation is a key way to achieve sustainable management of fishery resources. This cooperation not only involves coordination and resource sharing among countries, but also involves jointly addressing the challenges of marine environmental change, overfishing, and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fisheries. With global climate change leading to the rapid melting of Arctic sea ice, once inaccessible Arctic waters have become navigable and fishable, posing a threat to the ecosystem and biodiversity of the Arctic region (Zou and Mi, 2016). To address this challenge, countries around the Arctic and other countries with Arctic fisheries interests have recognized the urgent need to develop joint management measures. The five Arctic countries (the United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, and Denmark), as well as other fishing interest countries (including China, Japan, South Korea, Iceland, and the European Union), have jointly signed the Arctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Agreement. The agreement aims to prevent unregulated commercial fisheries from operating in the central Arctic waters until scientific data and management measures are sufficient to ensure the sustainability of fishing activities. The signatory countries agree not to engage in commercial fishing activities in the region until sufficient scientific research is conducted and effective management measures are established. In addition, the agreement emphasizes the importance of scientific research and requires signatory countries to cooperate in collecting and sharing data on Arctic marine ecosystems (Zou and Huntington, 2018). This case demonstrates the important role of cross-border cooperation in protecting fragile marine ecosystems and promoting sustainable fisheries practices. By jointly committing to preventive management and scientific research, countries can protect the unique marine environment of the Arctic while ensuring the long-term sustainable use of fishery resources. This case provides valuable experience for global fisheries management, emphasizing the importance and urgency of international cooperation in the face of global environmental change and ecological challenges. 2 Technological Support for Fishery Management Strategies 2.1 Remote sensing and monitoring technology The application of remote sensing and monitoring technology has become a key pillar in ensuring sustainable fisheries practices in fisheries management strategies. These technologies provide an effective means of real-time monitoring and evaluation of fishery resources, thereby helping management agencies make more scientific and accurate management decisions. Remote sensing technology, especially satellite remote sensing, can cover vast marine areas, providing unprecedented capabilities for monitoring changes in the marine environment, distribution of fishery resources, and fishing vessel activities (Chen et al., 2024). By utilizing high-resolution satellite images, researchers and managers can track the location of fishing vessels and monitor illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities. In addition, satellite remote sensing can provide valuable information about marine environmental conditions, such as sea surface temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll concentration, which are important indicators for evaluating fish distribution and predicting fishery productivity. In recent years, the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology has further enhanced the analytical capabilities of remote sensing data. Through automated image recognition and data analysis, these technologies can quickly identify fishing vessel activity patterns, predict changes in fishing