
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-8 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ija 7 temperatures, ocean acidification, and extreme weather events, pose a severe threat to the ecological relationship between tropical hard corals and symbiotic algae. High temperatures pose a serious threat to the relationship between hard corals and symbiotic algae. Elevated sea temperatures lead to coral bleaching, indicating the loss of the primary energy source provided by symbiotic algae. High temperatures also accelerate the metabolic rate of hard corals, increasing their energy demands and making them more vulnerable to the pressures of climate change. Additionally, ocean acidification directly impacts symbiotic algae, reducing their ability to form calcium carbonate skeletons and affecting the efficiency of photosynthesis (Scucchia et al., 2021). This exacerbates the risk of symbiotic algae being overexposed to high temperatures, further highlighting the mutual dependence between hard corals and symbiotic algae. Furthermore, extreme weather events such as storms and sea-level rise directly threaten hard corals, causing physical damage and reducing their chances of survival. This study, through exploring the biochemical adaptive mechanisms of this relationship, reveals the survival strategies of hard corals and symbiotic algae in responding to the challenges of climate change. This is not only the importance of understanding these adaptive mechanisms, but also the need to explore future research directions to maintain the stability of this critical ecosystem. However, despite these adaptive mechanisms helping hard corals and symbiotic algae cope with challenges in the short term, they still face significant threats. Therefore, conservation and management measures remain crucial. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving marine quality, and establishing protected areas are essential measures to maintain the relationship between hard corals and symbiotic algae. This requires coordinated efforts from the international community to address the threats of climate change to tropical hard coral reefs. In-depth research on symbiotic algae transitions, understanding how different species of hard corals implement this strategy to adapt to climate change, and the impact of these new relationships on coral reef ecosystems will provide valuable insights for future conservation strategies. Additionally, further research into the antioxidant defense mechanisms of hard corals, understanding how to better mitigate oxidative stress caused by climate change, is a key direction for future studies. Genetic research can also provide more insights into the climate adaptability of hard corals and symbiotic algae, offering potential pathways for possible genetic engineering methods to enhance their chances of survival. Simultaneously, more effective establishment and management of protected areas to reduce anthropogenic pressures and provide secure habitats will be crucial for the future health of hard coral reefs, ensuring that future generations can continue to marvel at the magnificent beauty of hard coral reefs. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. 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