International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.5, 255-264 257 3.2 Fatty acid optimization Fats are a dense energy source and play a vital role in energy metabolism. They are essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and the production of essential fatty acids. In poultry, optimizing dietary energy utilization through fats can significantly impact production costs and sustainability (Musigwa et al., 2021). Balancing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is crucial for maintaining optimal energy production and overall health. An appropriate balance can enhance metabolic efficiency and reduce inflammation, which is beneficial for animal growth and productivity. Research indicates that precise energy evaluation and the use of exogenous enzymes can improve the digestibility and utilization of fats in poultry diets (Musigwa et al., 2021). 3.3 Protein utilization The quality and quantity of protein in animal diets significantly affect energy metabolism. High-quality proteins provide essential amino acids that are crucial for growth and metabolic functions. In dairy cows, different genotypes respond differently to protein intake, affecting milk production and metabolic status (Brady et al., 2021). Enhancing protein efficiency involves using high-quality protein sources and optimizing their inclusion in diets. For instance, in dairy cows, tailored total mixed rations (TMR) can improve milk output and metabolic status compared to traditional pasture-based diets (Brady et al., 2021). Additionally, the use of legumes with high protein content can improve rumen feed efficiency and reduce methane production, contributing to sustainable animal production (Singh et al., 2023). 3.4 Micronutrient and mineral supplementation Vitamins and minerals are essential for supporting various metabolic processes, including energy metabolism. They act as cofactors for enzymes involved in metabolic pathways. For example, alpha-lipoic acid (α-LA) supplementation in prawns improves antioxidant status and carbohydrate metabolism, highlighting the importance of micronutrients in energy utilization (Ding et al., 2022). Effective micronutrient supplementation involves providing balanced and bioavailable forms of vitamins and minerals. In dairy cattle, using feeds rich in water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) can enhance rumen health and sustainability, indirectly supporting energy metabolism by improving nutrient absorption and reducing the risk of acidosis (Klevenhusen and Zebeli, 2021) (Figure 1). Additionally, the inclusion of specific enzyme blends can enhance nutrient digestion and absorption, further supporting energy metabolism (Acosta et al., 2021). 4 Advanced Nutritional Technologies 4.1 Nutrient partitioning Nutrient partitioning in animals involves the distribution of nutrients among various physiological processes such as maintenance, growth, reproduction, and lactation. This process is influenced by several factors including hormonal signals, metabolic pathways, and the animal's physiological state. For instance, during early lactation, dairy cows exhibit low plasma insulin concentration and insulin sensitivity, which directs nutrients towards milk synthesis rather than body reserves (Piantoni and VandeHaar, 2022) (Figure 2). Additionally, adaptive processes in beef cows allow them to adjust their metabolic energy utilization to match environmental conditions, thereby maintaining reproductive competence (Mulliniks and Beard, 2018). Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for optimizing nutrient use and improving animal productivity. Nutritional strategies can significantly influence nutrient partitioning towards energy production. For example, the inclusion of glucogenic substrates like glucose in the diet of dairy cows has been shown to stimulate energy retention in body tissues and increase plasma glucose and insulin concentrations, thereby enhancing energy availability for productive purposes (Nichols et al., 2019). Similarly, feeding strategies that involve the use of biofortified forage crops with essential micronutrients such as zinc and copper can improve the overall nutrient profile of the diet, leading to better energy metabolism and animal health (Dhaliwal et al., 2022). These strategies highlight the importance of targeted nutritional interventions in optimizing energy production in livestock.