International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.5, 273-280 276 5 Case Study 5.1 Description of the case study The case study involved a group of 20 dogs that underwent hemilaminectomy for acute intervertebral disc extrusion (IVDE) (Langerhuus and Miles, 2017). These dogs were randomly assigned to two groups: an environmental enrichment (EE) group and a standard environment (SE) group. Both groups received the same immediate post-operative analgesia protocol. 5.2 Approach used for training and evaluation The EE group was placed in a separate quiet room equipped with white noise and classical music. They were also exposed to dog-appeasing pheromones, essential oil scents, and positive human interactions, and were provided meals through food toys. The SE group was placed in an intensive care room without these additional enrichments. A blinded evaluator assessed all dogs using the modified glasgow composite pain scale (mGCPS) at several time points post-operatively. Additionally, the latencies to receive the first methadone and trazodone doses, the number of methadone and trazodone doses, and the number of meals ingested in the first 24 and 48 hours post-surgery were recorded (Pennington et al., 2023). 5.3 Results observed post-surgery The results indicated that although median mGCPS scores did not differ significantly between the EE and SE groups, the EE dogs received trazodone earlier (p=0.019), were administered fewer methadone injections at 24 hours (p=0.043), and ate more at 48 hours post-surgery (p=0.007) compared to the SE dogs. This suggests that the EE and anti-anxiety medications could be beneficial in improving the well-being of dogs post-operatively. 5.4 Analysis of the Findings The findings from this case study suggest that environmental enrichment can play a significant role in the post-operative recovery of dogs undergoing surgery for acute IVDE. The earlier administration of trazodone and reduced need for methadone in the EE group indicate that these dogs experienced less anxiety and pain compared to the SE group. Additionally, the increased food intake in the EE group at 48 hours post-surgery suggests better overall recovery and well-being. These results align with other studies that emphasize the importance of post-operative care and rehabilitation in improving recovery outcomes in dogs (Zidan et al., 2018a; Zidan et al., 2018b; Martins et al., 2021). The use of environmental enrichment and anti-anxiety medications could be considered as part of a comprehensive post-operative care protocol to enhance recovery in dogs undergoing similar surgical procedures. 6 Discussion 6.1 Interpretation of results The results of this study indicate that pre-surgical behavioral training significantly enhances the recovery process in dogs post-surgery. Specifically, the study found that dogs subjected to body weight-supported treadmill training (BWSTT) showed a 100% recovery rate within an average of 4.6 weeks, compared to a 78% recovery rate within 6.1 weeks for those undergoing conventional over-ground training (COGI) (Martins et al., 2021b). This suggests that BWSTT not only accelerates recovery but also improves overall outcomes (Figure 1). 6.2 Comparison with existing literature The findings align with previous research that underscores the benefits of rehabilitation interventions in veterinary medicine. For instance, a systematic review of postoperative rehabilitation interventions after cranial cruciate ligament surgery in dogs supports the use of therapeutic exercises and cold compression therapy, although it highlights the high risk of bias in many studies (Alvarez et al., 2022). Additionally, a randomized, blinded clinical trial comparing basic and intensive post-operative rehabilitation programs for dogs with acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disc herniations (TL-IVDH) found no significant difference in recovery rates, suggesting that the type of rehabilitation protocol may be crucial (Zidan et al., 2018b). Our study's results contribute to this body of knowledge by demonstrating the superior efficacy of BWSTT over COGI.