
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 222-232 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 226 The study of Hotaling et al. (2022) provides a comprehensive overview of the Antarctic eelpout, Ophthalmolycus amberensis. This species, found primarily around the Antarctic Peninsula, lives at various depths, as indicated by the box plot. The map shows its distribution, concentrated around the Antarctic convergence. The genome assembly data reveals a high-quality draft genome with excellent completeness, as shown by the BUSCO analysis, indicating a well-covered genomic assembly. This information is crucial for understanding the genetic basis of adaptation to extreme environments in Antarctic fish. 5.3 Broader implications for understanding adaptation The study of AFPs in Antarctic fish has broader implications for understanding adaptation to extreme environments. The evolution of AFPs is a clear example of how new genes can arise and confer significant survival advantages. This knowledge enhances our understanding of molecular evolution and the innovative processes by which new genes can develop, from gene duplication to de novo gene birth (Baalsrud et al., 2017). Furthermore, the presence of AFPs in distantly related fish species suggests convergent evolution, where similar environmental pressures lead to the development of analogous adaptations (Graham et al., 2013). These findings not only shed light on the evolutionary history of Antarctic fish but also provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of adaptation and survival in extreme conditions, which can be applied to other organisms facing similar environmental challenges (Cziko et al., 2014; Shin et al., 2014; Rivera-Colón et al., 2023). 6 Evolutionary Processes Unveiled by Fish Genomics 6.1 Speciation and genomic divergence Fish genomics has provided significant insights into the processes of speciation and genomic divergence. For instance, the study of Lake Whitefish species pairs (Coregonus clupeaformis) has revealed that speciation can occur with gene flow, driven by both demography and selection. This research demonstrated that secondary contact between post-glacial populations led to heterogeneous genomic differentiation, influenced by linked selection and introgression (Rougeux et al., 2016). Similarly, the genomic analysis of neotropical cichlid fishes (Amphilophus spp.) highlighted that sympatric speciation is facilitated by polygenic architectures, which promote rapid and stable speciation even in the presence of gene flow (Figure 2) (Kautt et al., 2020). Additionally, the study of Labrus bergylta showed that strong reproductive isolation can occur between sympatric color morphs, driven by divergent selection associated with phenotypic variation (Casas et al., 2021). The study of Kautt et al. (2022) illustrates the evolutionary dynamics of the Midas cichlid species complex in Nicaraguan lakes. It showcases the species' colonization and diversification over time, highlighting how different environmental conditions in various crater lakes have driven morphological and genetic divergence. The t-SNE analysis in the bottom right corner reveals clear genetic clustering by lake and species, emphasizing the distinct evolutionary paths taken by these cichlids. This suggests a strong role of geographic isolation and local adaptation in shaping the diversity of this species complex. 6.2 Convergent evolution in fish Convergent evolution, where different species independently evolve similar traits, is another fascinating aspect revealed by fish genomics. In cichlid fishes from Lake Victoria, parallel evolution of male nuptial coloration has been observed, with blue and red-backed species evolving repeatedly in different ecological niches. This phenomenon, termed "hybrid parallel speciation", suggests that admixture-derived alleles were targeted by divergent selection, facilitating new speciation events (Meier et al., 2018). Furthermore, the study of replicate ecomorphs in cichlid adaptive radiations demonstrated that strong functional phenotypic differentiation is associated with clear genomic divergence, even in young species pairs, indicating a modest but significant extent of convergent evolution (McGee et al., 2016). 6.3 Horizontal gene transfer in fish Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a process where genes are transferred between different species, and it has been well-documented in bacteria and invertebrates. However, recent research has provided the first reliable evidence of HGT from marine bacteria to fishes. This study identified a functional gene transferred to teleost fishes, which is expressed and regulated developmentally, suggesting that HGT can significantly influence vertebrate evolution