
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 197-210 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 205 immune function is essential for individual fitness and species survival (Bowers et al., 2014). Additionally, the interplay between immune function and oxidative stress has been highlighted as a key factor in the adaptability of species to environmental changes, suggesting that immune function is a crucial determinant of species resilience (Costantini, 2022). 7.2 Impacts of environmental changes on immune function Environmental changes, such as habitat degradation and the removal of large wildlife, have significant impacts on the immune function of vertebrates. A meta-analysis revealed that birds and mammals in degraded forests exhibit higher stress hormone levels and altered immune markers compared to those in undisturbed forests, indicating that habitat degradation can compromise immune function and, consequently, species adaptability (Messina et al., 2018). Similarly, the selective removal of large wildlife has been shown to drive increases in immune function in small rodents, likely due to increased pathogen pressure and changes in food resources, which underscores the complex relationship between environmental changes and immune health. These findings highlight the need to consider environmental factors when assessing the health and survival prospects of wildlife populations. 7.3 Conservation strategies incorporating immune function Incorporating immune function into conservation strategies can enhance the effectiveness of wildlife management efforts. Understanding the physiological and immunological responses of species to environmental stressors can inform targeted interventions aimed at mitigating the impacts of habitat degradation and other anthropogenic disturbances. For example, conservation programs can benefit from monitoring oxidative stress markers and immune responses to better understand the health status and adaptability of species in changing environments. Additionally, recognizing the role of immune function in species survival can lead to the development of strategies that enhance immune health, such as habitat restoration and the protection of key resources that support robust immune responses (Young et al., 2016). By integrating immune function into conservation planning, we can improve the resilience of wildlife populations and support their long-term survival in the face of environmental challenges. 8 Future Directions 8.1 Emerging research areas Recent studies have highlighted several emerging areas in the field of immune function and its role in longevity and adaptation in vertebrates. One promising area is the exploration of the metabolic pace-of-life model, which suggests that metabolic rate and pace of life can predict a species' investment in adaptive immune function. This model, particularly studied in reptiles, posits that animals with low metabolic rates invest more in innate immunity, while those with high metabolic rates optimize adaptive immune responses (Sandmeier and Tracy, 2014). Additionally, the concept of innate immune memory, or "trained immunity," is gaining traction. This paradigm shift suggests that innate immunity can adapt and build memory, similar to adaptive immunity, through mechanisms such as epigenetic reprogramming. Another emerging area is the study of glial immunity in neuroprotection and lifespan determination. Research in Drosophila melanogaster has shown that glial cells play a crucial role in maintaining organismal health and longevity, with implications for understanding age-related pathologies in higher vertebrates (Kounatidis and Chtarbanova, 2018). Furthermore, the evolution of transgenerational immunity in invertebrates provides insights that could be applicable to vertebrates, particularly in understanding how long lifespan and low dispersal promote the evolution of immune traits (Pigeault et al., 2016). 8.2 Potential for translational research in medicine and conservation The findings from these emerging research areas have significant potential for translational research in both medicine and conservation. For instance, understanding the metabolic pace-of-life model can inform medical strategies to enhance immune function in humans, particularly in managing diseases that involve immune dysregulation. The concept of trained immunity opens new avenues for developing therapies that harness the adaptive capabilities of the innate immune system to provide long-term protection against infections and possibly even cancer (Netea et al., 2016).